Writing – hobby for some, work for others?

Last updated 29 Apr 2014 . 3 min read

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Andaleeb is a full-time author, her first book kite strings was released in 2009. And after that she stopped at nothing, soon after kite strings came- ‘Blinkers Off’ and ‘My Brother’s wedding’. Her fourth novel ‘More than just Biryani’ is all set to roll out soon.  She quit her job and dedicated her entire time to writing. And folks she has been immensely successful in that, Bloomsbury India is going to publish her Sepia trilogy in 2014. Fleximoms gets into a quick conversation with Andaleeb:

 What I do – I did B.A in Arts and an M.A in Literature. I worked as a technical writer with Commit for three years where I also moved into content writing as it was something I enjoyed more. I went on to do a bit of ‘food writing’ for a UK based restaurant review company. I also did a very short stint as a sub-editor of a news portal before quitting work completely to focus on my writing. I had written my first novel Kite Strings while I worked at Commit and once it was published, I realized I wanted to write more novels and it wasn’t possible with a full time job.

 My family: I am married and I have two sons – 14 and 7 years.

 My support system: My mother-in-law is very supportive of my writing and handles the household while I write away. I’ve also leaned on my mother plenty of times whenever I’ve needed to leave the kids with her and head out for work or anything else.

 My inspiration to do what I do: My father who believed that I was special and meant to do something big.

 A day in my working life: My working day starts once I send the children to school (which is why school vacations are terrible, I think). I sit down at work by 9.30 or 10 and if I’m currently writing a book, I get down to it immediately. If not, I surf the net, dawdle around a bit, check Facebook and then maybe update my website.

 What makes work work: Many people think that writing is a hobby for me. It is not. I take it very seriously and it’s the only ‘work’ I do.

 The work-life balance: Still trying to achieve it. I avoid working on weekends, even if it’s for my own novel and even if the characters are screaming inside my head to get out.

 My stress-buster: Reading, watching sitcoms and other English shows.

 What makes “me-time” special: Uninterrupted time to work or read and maybe a nice big fat bar of dark chocolate.

 Would I do it differently? No. Life is like that player tossing marbles on the ground and we, the marbles, come and stop where we’re meant to stop. Every rejection letter and every downturn has been a lesson and even a detour but it has never deterred me from striving for success.

 What would I change? Nothing, maybe I’d try and be a little less lazy!

 To know more about Andaleeb visit her website or her facebook page.

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