Why Is Unfriending Important?
I loved what Elizabeth Gilbert wrote in ‘How to figure out whom to trust!’ Her story is about a friend whom she trusted with all her decisions. Until she realised how she was being butchered at the cost of honesty! I couldn’t help sharing mine. I too had great friends in the past, who taught me few big lessons of my life. Yes, back then, the world seemed perfect in their company, till I saw the light of the day!
1. They care for you more than you think you deserve
2. They have the right thing to say, as they know what you would want to hear at what point of time!
3. They open-up their world so that you don’t even doubt before trusting them!
4. Sugarcoat every criticism to a point, that it looks like a compliment !
The joy ride lasts only till you cannot fool yourself any longer.
Eye opener
1. Appreciate you even when you know you are wrong, so that you keep repeating your mistakes
2. Crack jokes about your vulnerabilities in your absence and then turn innocent when you find it out. Even worse, they would call upon you for not being able to take a joke!
3. Control your life without making it apparent
Yes, we all need an honest friend. But should that be at the expense of bleeding yourself? Honesty is important, unless it’s being used to manipulate you. Friends such as these, make you rock-solid about the company you may want to choose. As you move on with life, people with such patterns of behaviour may change. But the sense of knowingness is hard to ignore. Not that you will no longer make mistakes while choosing friends. You are immune to such damages.
The biggest take away is you learn to friend yourself. Yes, you finally learn to trust the person, in the mirror :)