Questions you need to ask yourself as the year ends

Published on 11 Dec 2014 . 6 min read

“By three methods we may learn wisdom: first, by reflection, which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third, by experience, which is the most bitter.”


Self-reflection is like looking into a mirror and analysing what you see. In its simplest form, self-reflection is asking yourself thought-provoking questions so that you can develop a deeper level of awareness about yourself. It is about assessing yourself by questioning in a constructive manner, what you have been doing and why you have been doing it and then deciding whether there is a better, or more efficient way of doing it in the future.

Self-reflection is a human endowment to exercise introspection and the willingness to learn more about your fundamental nature, purpose and essence, that’s how wiki defines it. For me, self-reflection is the way to have clarity on the self-created barriers that have been holding you back. Once you identify them, you regain the power to deal with them and they no longer are stuck into your subconscious. It is not just a "looking back" -- it is giving mindful attention to lessons learned from your experiences in a way that you can apply them for your future growth and development.

When you take time to think about your life and your purpose, you start reviewing the choices you've made to check whether you're still living true to your core values. And you also get an opportunity to release any anger, trauma, or sadness that needs to be addressed, so it’s like an emotional housecleaning to clean your inner space.

Reflections can sometimes be even more useful than resolutions. You can't know where you're going until you take stock of where you've been. In personal as well as professional life, reflection is an important part of learning. You wouldn’t use a recipe a second time if the dish didn’t work the first time, would you? You would either modify the recipe or find a new and a better one.

As the end of the year is approaching, I find my thoughts straddling between looking back and looking forward. One part of me is busy reflecting on loses and the wins, the successes and the failures, and the other part is eager to plan for a rocking new year. This past year has been instrumental in my growth and development as it was my first year as an entrepreneur. When I lost my mother in the month of March with a painful death due to cancer, I engrossed myself in reading about spiritual world. I read every book that I encountered, seeking for my answers and my perspective towards life changed. I started appreciating life the way I had never done before, seeing everything in a new light. Also, it has been extremely fulfilling year as an entrepreneur doing the things, I truly love.

In order to embrace the new, we must release the old. Before moving into the New Year, it is important to reflect on the experiences that have shaped you, and focus on the lessons learnt on the way. By reviewing the past year with respect to all the key areas of your life – your health and well-being, work  and relationships, you can choose to release the emotional baggage and gain valuable insights to move forward confidently at an accelerated pace into the new year.

Whether you reflect in a journal or by having a dialogue to yourself, your friend or a coach, as long as you are honest with yourself, it doesn’t make a difference. However, I feel it could be profound to write it and valuable to read it in the years ahead. The important point is taking time out of your busy schedule to ponder where you are and where you've been.

Reflect upon what you did, how you felt, what you liked, what you didn’t and what you learned. Try to look at yourself and your experience with as much objectivity as you can.

Here are some suggestions on questions you ca ask yourself to stimulate your thinking process. Feel free to add your own to the list.

Year-end review questions

1) What did you learn? (skills, knowledge, awareness, etc.)

2) What were your biggest accomplishments of the year? (A list of my wins and achievements)

3) What did you do right? What do you feel especially good about? What was your greatest contribution?

4) What were the most significant events of the year past? List the top three.

5) What are you most grateful for this past year?

6) What were your biggest challenges/roadblocks/difficulties?

7) What would you have done differently? Why and How?

8) How are you different this year than last? Which insight can greatly impact the coming year?

9) What you’d like to let go, anything you no longer want?

10) If you had a magic wind, what would you have changed?

Questions to ponder: About relationships

1) Who were the three people who had the greatest impact on your life last year?

2) Did anyone close to you give birth (literally or symbolically)?

3) Did anyone close to you die (literally or symbolically)?

4) Which important relationship improved the most?

5) Which important relationship suffered the most?

Questions to ponder: About your health

1) Did you go through any major illness or injury or any surgery?

2) What specific rituals did you follow to become healthier?

3) How did you manage your stress this year?

4) What was your biggest health achievement this year?

6) What do you wish you would have done differently in regards to your health this year?

Questions to ponder: About your finances

1) What was your biggest financial decision this year?

2) Where did most of your money go?

3) Did you make any charitable contributions?

4) How much money is in your bank account?

5) Are you in debt? How much?

Questions to ponder: About your work

1) What is one way you grew academically or professionally this year?

2) What do you hope those you work with will remember most about you?

3) What was your greatest challenge/lesson at work?

4) How have you grown as a person because of your work?

5) What one thing could have made a huge difference in your work life?

Questions to ponder: About spirituality & existence

1) Because of this past year, what do you believe is your purpose of existence?

2) Where did you find your peace of mind?

3) Could you feel connected to Almighty (your source) most of the time?

4) What is one miracle you witnessed this year?

5) Which is the greatest lesson you have learned this year?

Knowing what you know now, if you could write a letter to yourself that would travel back in time so that you would receive exactly one year ago, what advice would you give yourself?

Reflection is a healthy thing to do at any time; but since most people, and probably most of you reading this, tend to be more reflective this time of year, would suggest you to utilize these questions to introspect. I would reemphasize on the fact that an important part of preparing for the new year is to review the past year, to release it, and to learn from it. Happy Reflections!

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Preeti Subberwal
Preeti Subberwal
Preeti Subberwal is the Founding Director of Thoughtful Engagement, a firm that facilitates quick and sustainable positive change and transformation in individuals and organizations through powerful and innovative programs. As a Transformational Coach and a Facilitator, she is passionately committed to deliver personal and professional development workshops, seminars and coaching programs that empower the participants to attain their next level of success, fulfillment and self-mastery. She has honed her skills for over a decade in conducting self-development, sales and leadership workshops, coaching and counselling, programs planning and evaluation, content development and project management, process management, people management, and software development. Preeti Subberwal is a Certified Master Spirit Life Coach, Certified Life Coach, Licensed NLP Master Practitioner and Theta Healing Practitioner. Also has been trained in Emotional Freedom Technique, Ericksonian Hypnosis and Reiki. She even utilizes her knowledge of Neuro-semantics, Positive Psychology and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as a part of her toolkit.

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