Mothers Get Angry Too. Here Is How I Cope

Published on 20 Feb 2017 . 3 min read

Did you ever imagine that your innocent little bundle of joy would drive you to smash things, bang doors, shout and yell? Before I became a mother, I did not think I would do any of this! But reality turned out to be different.

Children, like adults can indeed make us angry. In fact, it is much more aggravating as we cannot have a balanced discussion with them. For mothers, the generic advice is to stay calm, speak softly and be gentle with our children. Children, like adults can indeed make us angry. In fact, it is much more aggravating as we cannot have a balanced discussion with them. For mothers, the generic advice is to stay calm, speak softly and be gentle with our children.When you have a kid who has spilt his milk yet again, refuses to share his toys with his little sister and talks back to you like a pro, it is not always feasible. I often wonder if I am raising him wrong but I am assured by others that he is just being a child.

Repeated threats of disciplinary action, being sent off to a hostel or to generally disown him have no effect. It merely makes me feel guilty, while he becomes even more belligerent. Anger has that quality – it escalates each time you give into it.

One simple tip: Step back temporarily

The best advice from 10 tips to tame your temper I follow is to walk away and remove myself from the room. I just stop mid argument before I end up saying or doing something that I know I will regret later. As a parent, I am the one who can put a stop to this before it turns ugly.

How to handle your anger at your child also advises parents to take a step back and think about the issue in a different room; go to the kitchen and drink a glass of water or even wine.  I have learnt to ignore my son and avoid eye contact, which cools us both down.

I cannot avoid my anger but I try to control it so my son does not think he has a perpetually angry mother. My mantra, an oft-repeated sentence is, “I am angry with you but I still love you.”

I have realized the fact that being angry does not make me a bad parent but not controlling my outburst when it is getting out of hand is unacceptable. I am fallible but I recognize it and try to manage my anger, so I can be a good parent – a parent who tries to do the right thing.

What is your strategy to combat your angry outbursts? What are some coping methods that work for you?

Written by Inderpreet Kaur Uppal



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