Meet the SHEROES - Pallavi Pande

Published on 21 Oct 2014 . 3 min read

Pallavi is the Founder of ‘CV Enhancer’, a company which specializes in writing Executive Resume, LinkedIn Profile, Executive Biography and Cover Letter for C-Level, Senior-Level and Mid-Career professionals. She possesses a professional background in the area of Recruitment, which helps her in adding value in every resume that is written.

Pallavi has nominated CV enhancer for Women Take Charge - Business Plan For Women. More about her -

Tell us more about yourself. 

I put my 9 years of experience in Resume Writing and Placement Industry. I started ‘CV Enhancer’ 5 years ago and since then we are growing. I work personally with my clients; customize documents to fit the unique job search strategies-extract relevant information, effectively promote achievements, downplay weaknesses, and deliver winning results. 

When not working, I enjoy art and craft activities with my daughter.

What was the idea behind starting up CV Enhancer?

With experience in recruitment, I am aware as to what makes a compelling Resume/LinkedIn Profile. I went through hundreds of resumes during my recruitment experience and found out that many were poorly presented, had grammatical mistakes and were not showcasing the exact profile.  

CV Enhancer helps in getting your resume land to the top of the pile, setting clear career paths and overcoming obstacles to land their dream jobs. We also focuses on helping transitioning employees and relaunching moms who are planning to come back to the corporate world, postpartum.

The services we provide are:

Resume Writing (C-Level, Senior-Level and Mid-Career) 

LinkedIn Profiles

Executive Bio


What are the 5 most important that a person needs to take care of in their CV?
The 5 important points in the resume that a person can take care of are:

1) Resume should be short and crisp and it should also bring out the information clearly.

2) Use specific keywords, as employers/recruiters look for them

3) Ideally resume should be of 2 pages, but as we say one size doesn’t fit all; you can chose any format from the following: Chronological Resume Template, Functional Resume Template, Combination Resume Template

4) Write a compelling summary, as the recruiter reads only this part of your resume, and knows what he/she get the very best of what you have to offer?

5) Jot down all the accomplishments, it tells the employer you're worth hiring.

What is work life balance to you?

It’s all about setting your priorities. I work from 10am to 3pm when my daughter is in school. Once she is back, I spend time with her till she sleeps, I work again till 6:30. After 6pm I manage emails only.

At times there is lot of work piled up, it does become a bit difficult to manage. But now, my daughter understands that she should not disturb me when I am at work, so that helps.

With volumes of order growing, I decentralize work by assigning it to respective writers. And I take care of the crucial aspects of the business.

In case any work is pending, I either work after dinner (post daughters bedtime) or early in morning. And yes, the consistent support from husband and my writers is something which cannot be missed too.

A message to all SHEROES out there. 

If you are planning to come back to the corporate world after a long gap, make sure you mention it in the resume. A well-developed resume and LinkedIn profile can be a plus point in job search. Keep in touch with the recruiters, join groups in LinkedIn.

pallavi - cv enhancer
SHEROES - lives and stories of women we are and we want to be. Connecting the dots. Moving the needle. Also world's largest community of women, based out of India. Meet us at @SHEROESIndia

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