Meet The SHEROES - Palka Khurana

Last updated 24 Oct 2016 . 5 min read

Meet Palka Khurana, a determined and self-reliant woman who is always ready to match every beat of the current technical world. Presently, she is working as an honored Marketing Director cum Co-Founder of Price Hunt.


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Here’s Palka Khurana Journey

1: Where are you now? What do you do? Did you think this was what was to become your calling/ bring you fame?

Her – I am currently based in Gurgaon, India and pursuing my entrepreneurial journey with a tech startup -  Price Hunt, in price comparison field. There is still a long way to go before I can say that this is my way to fame.

2: What was your childhood ambition, and how did you share it with family and friends... Example: did you pay doc, play teacher, sang to any audience you could gather?

Her - When I was young, I aspired to be a writer who could touch the souls with inspirational and emotional words. I always got touched by various social issues and wanted to propagate my views through my writings. I also tried to convey strong messages through simple humorous scripts.

3: Your schooling, college: was it targeted towards what you hoped to be... Did you become what you 'studied' to be, or did you change course and chart a different path?

Her - My higher education was focused towards accomplishing a professional career although I never gave up on writing. I was an active member of my editorial board in school and college and contributed with the write-ups on the ongoing issues, trending topics and technology. Currently, I am associated with an online price comparison portal, Price-Hunt and handling content development and digital marketing.

4: How and when did you choose your field?

Her - I chose to be a technocrat and thus took up an engineering course to attain financial stability in my professional career.

5: How did family and friends react? What were the personal hurdles you had to cross?

Her - Instrumentation Engineering was a tough profession for girls at that time but my family was very supportive and wanted me to do my best in whatever I wish to do.

6: How did your peers react to you? As a young educated woman, were you at an advantage, or disadvantage? How did you overcome hurdles at work?

Her - Times have changed now. Gender equality and respect have taken over discrimination that existed in the bygone days. Now women have proved their mettle in every sphere. I was always given an opportunity to express my views and be an active participant in various decisions. Many of my suggestions were implemented that boosted my confidence.

7: Do women make better marketers due to higher empathy?

Her - Women undoubtedly have a higher emotional quotient enabling them to be more patient than their male counterparts but generalizing it by saying that they are better marketers would be unfair. Performance and success depends on a person's capability irrespective of gender.

8: What do you see changing for women professionals in India? How would you encourage young women to consider writing as a viable profession/ vocation?

Her - The professional scenario is changing. More women are now seen on the top of the ladder performing their duties with utmost dedication and perseverance. Writing is the best mode of voicing your heart out. An effective writing can revolutionize the world by bringing views out in open discussions for contemplation.

9: What inspires you, as an educated urban woman, a politician, what is your long term goal?

Her - Reading about the success stories of the people who face real-life challenges and rise above them by breaking societal norms, inspires me. You can also get inspiration by looking at a picture or reading a quotation on Whatsapp.  Whenever we read something we should read it with an open, blank mind. I feel inspiration, self motivation and introspection – these 3 things need to be practiced daily like eating food thrice a day.

10: How do you manage a work and play balance? What are your tips for others to try and achieve the balance?

Her - If one is passionate about one's work, it is not difficult to do multitasking.  It gives a sense of fulfillment and achievement which keeps one going. A healthy lifestyle and a regular fitness regime is mandatory to keep up the energy and enthusiasm levels. Healthy mind dwells in a healthy body so taking a nutritious diet and regular workouts would keep one positive, happy and confident.                    


SHEROES - lives and stories of women we are and we want to be. Connecting the dots. Moving the needle. Also world's largest community of women, based out of India. Meet us at @SHEROESIndia

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