Meet Chinmayi Sripaada

Last updated 1 Nov 2017 . 4 min read

Chinmayi Sripaada is a famous Indian singer, mainly sings for South Indian industry. In her exclusive interview with SHEROES, she shares her journey as a singer and talks about the future of independent musicians. 

Tell us about yourself. How did you get started?

I learnt Hindustani classical music when I was in school; however there was never any intention to pick up music as a profession. I  used to be extremely  confused  about my career and thought I would  become a doctor or an IAS officer and  the career  choices  changed almost every year! Later on, I did my MBA. Along with it, over a period of  time as I kept practicing my music, I realized that I  can compose and  write my own songs.  Poetry and composing came naturally to me and I started writing my own songs in Hindi composing them on the basis of certain Raagas. I released my 1st song “Aali “online which got a great response from listeners. That’s how it started and I went ahead to release my complete album J I decided that I’d take up music as my full time career. However, around the same time, I  came across  “Songdew”  which was shaping up, and I  thought of it to be something really exciting, its all for independent artists and promoting independent music, and its something  I  can  utilize my MBA for,  and can  pursue my own music  along with it as well! So I plunged into it and have been pursuing my music along with it.  I now have a band called” Spice Route” and we regularly practice, create new music and perform together.

What is the idea behind Songdew?

Songdew is a platform meant to create opportunities for independent artists. In India, 95% of the music is all about Film music and there is very little scope of opportunities for independent musicians. Record labels barely do anything to promote independent music as CDs do not sell anymore. Media channels (TV/Radio) do not promote it as there is no revenue model for them. Music does not sell in dearth of promotion and this cycle goes on.  It’s a highly unorganized industry missing out basic infrastructure connecting artists, managers, promoters and event organizers. The idea behind Songdew was to create a 1 stop destination where independent artists can share their music, promote their music, collaborate with other artists and can connect with local opportunities. We started off without any marketing and within 1 year Songdew has become the largest platform of independent music in India with more than 20 K artists and bands. Songdew released music albums of 6 bands recently in a completely unique and successful campaign called “Free the Music”. Now, there are large number of promotional partners joining in as we create new opportunities for artists every month. For example Radiocity Freedom, 9X0, Radioone and many other media tie ups and shaping up to create more opportunities of promotion for artists which lead to bigger visibility. 

What kind of songs you generally sing?

Usually about life, experiences of life. I’m extremely independent by nature and do not go by anyone else’s opinion on my life. Therefore you’ll find this sentiment significantly in many of my songs. I’m also a wanderer and love nature, and some of my songs are around this theme. For example, there is a song “Fakira”  which is all about a free wandering soul.

How is singing in Bollywood different from being an independent artist? Is either better than the other?

The basic difference is that in films, you have to sing over the creations of other artists. Also, music creation is based on the brief of filmmakers. Rarely, you will have an independent piece of creation in that case, and there is a different kind of creativity and skill-set required for making music for films .It’s all about the choice you make.

Is the current scenario good for upcoming independent musicians?

See no matter what you do, in whatever times you live, there will be a large number of people who’ll crib and say that nothing happens!  There are no opportunities, no support and nothing works.Unfortunately musicians are a lazy bunch of people who love to crib and do not like to do anything about the problem. However, the truth is that we are possibly living in the best time for independent music so far. There are a great number of opportunities building up.

Any message for upcoming singers?

Do not follow or copy anyone, create your  own identity  as a musician  and never stop learning.

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