Making Programming Fun

Last updated 31 Oct 2017 . 3 min read

Programming is one of the most lucrative jobs; it is a cumulative job where you need to evolve each day. On one hand it can be fun and rewarding and on the other hand it can be the most taxing thing to do. The industry has programmers in abundance, so how does one make their way to get a well-paid programming job? We crack the code of programming today, you should know following things about programming:

Know the basics:

A lot of recruiters complain programmers aren’t well-versed with the basics of programming. You might be a doctorate in a computer language but if you don’t know a simple loop or can’t code a recursive program to solve a real problem in C/C it is of no use. So, when you begin programming, don’t jump on to the complex programs without being perfect with the basics.

Program, Program and Program:

There is a saying that it takes 10,000 hours of doing something to master it.And when it comes to programming it can even be more than 10,000 hours. If you decide to be a programmer you literally have to breathe and think codes all the time. Someone only genuinely interested can do that, take up programming only if you have the passion for it. If you are passionate about it, you won’t take 10,000 hours to master it. 

Write English:

It is a huge misconception that programming involves hardcore mathematics, but actually it just includes basic elementary school mathematics. Code is surprisingly more like English than like math. Good code is easy to read. In it functions, files, classes and variables are named well. Comments, when needed, are concise and helpful. In great code the language and vocabulary is not elitist, it is easy for the layman to understand.

Open to consistent learning:

With the advancing technology, programmers need to advance as well; you cannot be a good programmer by coding what was being done five years back. If Java and .NET are being used right now, it could be python in a few years. Keep yourself updated with the new languages coming in.

Give yourself time:

You won’t get the desired results overnight, you need to improvise your code learn how to counter the errors you make. It can be a challenging job if you aren’t able to do what you want but getting frustrated and giving up is the last thing you should do when it comes to programming. It requires a lot logical thinking and implementation.

If you are a programmer remember all these things and you will definitely make a good one. Programming is a fun task, it is like solving puzzles or problems and you need to exercise all your brain muscles while at it. 

Latest in Programming:


Short for Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP, an open-source Web development platform, also called a Web stack, that uses Linux as the operating system, Apache as the Web server, MySQL as the RDBMS and PHP as the object-oriented scripting language. Perl or Python is often substituted for PHP.

Java Virtual Machine

The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) deserves a second glance--it is not limited to Java, and can be used with any programming language that can be transformed into byte code. JRuby works very well under heavy loads using the JVM, and Scala and Cloture enable developers to create more functional, faster code than even Java under the JVM.

Here are a few jobs on SHEROES for all the programmers:

  1. PHP – Dicon Digital Advertising Private Limited
  2. PHP Developer – Social Wavelength
  3. iOS Developer – FlyByUnicorn
  4. Software Developer – Ice Cream Labs

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