How I Marched Onwards, From Being An Intern, To A Research Analyst

Last updated 16 Sep 2016 . 4 min read

Pinky Kumar came to SHEROES for an internship while she was still in college. This is her journey, from an internship to becoming a research analyst at SHEROES, in her own words. #FirstJob #SHEROESatwork.

I was about to finish the foundation course, of the first year of my MBA Program at Sunstone Eduversity. For me an MBA course is a platform where an individual learns and grasps knowledge that can help them grow in their career, whatever they chose to be. I have always wanted to hone my skills and learn more and more. It was then that the director of my University, and my coordinator told me that SHEROES was looking for interns for a three-month stint.

I didn’t have any professional experience and this seemed like a golden opportunity to me. I told my parents about the programme, and was all set for my first ‘job’ interview. I did my  homework for the interview, visited the website and checked Facebook and Twitter posts. On the day of the interview, I arrived early at the company office, armed with nothing but a copy of my resume, and lots of anticipation. Yes, I had slept well, was well-dressed, feeling good, however, the million butterflies in my stomach kept fluttering! On the way to the venue I was praying and wondering how my interview will be, what questions will I be asked, will I get selected?

I was too anxious to drink the coffee offered by the interviewer, she probably sensed that I was nervous and just wanted to break the ice. I remember feeling confident as the interview went along, and things moved quickly. I was offered the internship and remember leaving the office with a massive smile on my face. I had landed my dream job! I was grateful for the blessings of my family and God’s grace.  I was almost talking to myself: ‘wow Pinky you did it, not bad!’

I was really excited to join SHEROES. It was a grand opportunity for me. My first day in the office was awesome, but I got little nervous when I saw so many people there. I had mixed questions buzzing in my mind: What to wear? What work will I have to do? How will my new colleagues treat me? Will I be able to survive in the company?!  But when I joined, everyone was so cool and very supportive, and all my doubts vanished. I was happy about my career potential. I joined the Research Team, and from being an inqusitive intern on day one, I soon learn’t about the products and our responsibilities. My supervisors helped me become familiar with the process until I knew it like the back of my hands.

Finally, after a couple of weeks I was ready to start my first research project, and all my colleagues helped me. That was months ago, I now work as a full-time research analyst at SHEROES and handle the entire Job board, I talk to companies, check and verify the authenticity of the opportunities offered, and take action against companies who do not adhere to our standards.  

At the SHEROES’ Research Team every day is an opportunity to learn, and I love the energy and enthusiasm here. I’ve come to realise the importance of teamwork. My Internship was a fantastic programme! It was a learning curve that taught me so much about online research, executive mapping,  moderating Jobs, lead generation and connecting with companies. It was an enjoyable experience and I loved every step of it. I gained life skills, that I will remember and make use of for my entire life. Shy nervous Pinky, has now morphed into a cooler and more confident version of herself!  

Do you remember your internship days? What was your first job like? Do share it with the SHEROES community  in the comments below. Your story can inspire, and encourage more young women to join the workforce.


SHEROES - lives and stories of women we are and we want to be. Connecting the dots. Moving the needle. Also world's largest community of women, based out of India. Meet us at @SHEROESIndia

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