How I Won My Neverending Fight With PCOD?

Last updated 10 Jan 2017 . 4 min read

PCOD? Sure we've all heard the term from girlfriends or sisters but one can not imagine how dreadful this 4 letter term can be , until you have to live with it.

Well, i did and i would like to share my story detailing the struggle of suffering from hormonal imbalance and other symptoms of PCOD.

What is PCOD really? Poly cystic ovarian disease/syndrome is a hormonal disorder causing enlarged ovaries with small cysts. Symptoms include abnormal levels of hormones that result in irregular menses ,excess hair growth, acne, obesity, certain masculine changes in the body. Pretty much everything unwanted.


It all began when I was 14 years old. The hormones kicked in and brought along irregular periods with it. Where periods were always a surprise visit and acne almost permanent. Soon, facial hair accompanied. I started to grow what almost looked like a goatee.


What would a 14 year old do? Probably pluck those hair and bleach the rest, put on all neem packs to oil control face washes. I did it all, only to find more coarse facial hair back the next week and worsened acne. That was when i was diagnosed with PCOD. Coming back home and googling the symptoms scared me enough but I considered myself  lucky to be taking the medications and treating it well in time.


To have an idea of the treatment, I would like to walk you through the medications. First comes comes the monster of all pills, Oral contraceptives, specially meant for regularizing periods in women with PCOD. A constant supply of high level of hormones for 21 days a month, causing extreme mood swings and spotting being a common side effect where you bleed 2 drops everyday for the entire month. Can you imagine?


Metformin, to prevent diabetes with nausea as a common side effect and spironolactone, a diuretic for thinning of hair which also causes frequent urination.


These aren't reasons good enough to stop taking medications, are they ? In my understanding it was best to treat it and follow the medications religiously. Which I did. I gained a few pounds and experienced severe mood swings. It also affected my relationships with people around me. But on the bright side, the acne went away and my periods became regular.


After 3 years of undergoing the treatment I got tested. I was happy to find out that even though the syndrome remained, my cysts had diminished. I discontinued the treatment and to my shock within a year my periods returned to being as irregular as they were. PMSing  thrice a month, using it as an excuse to treat myself, being oversensitive about silly things and blaming PMS for it, only to find out that it's a false alarm . And the gaps would be as long as 3 months. Frustrated as I was, I considered taking medication again, but since the treatment is more symptomatic than permanent. I decided to give it up. I preferred irregular periods over hormones taking a toll me both psychologically and physically. It may not be the wisest decision but I escaped from the hormonal trap and chose to treat it my way, by bringing change in my life style. The doctors do support it.


I adopted yoga and practiced it regularly. I corrected my diet and ate healthy to lose weight, which I did. The acne also went away with healthy eating and exercising. Even though irregular periods haven't left my side, I certainly am more confident and focused than I would be. I am a happier person knowing nothing meddles with my system anymore.


To all those girls out there who are as frustrated as I was, it's time to take control of your physical and mental health so you can rise above it all and make way to achieve what you desire. Can't let anything hold you down.


Written By MD


SHEROES - lives and stories of women we are and we want to be. Connecting the dots. Moving the needle. Also world's largest community of women, based out of India. Meet us at @SHEROESIndia

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