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Last updated 27 Dec 2019 . 3 min read

Breastfeeding has been the age old ‘go to’ feeding method for babies across the globe. Not only is it one of the first bonding activity for you and your baby, your breastmilk is the best food for your baby to have.

However, there is one question that every mother asks ‘How much milk does my baby need?’

Let's answer this question today.

First Week

Frequency: 10-15 minutes after every 3-4 hours ( 95-150 ml/feed )

Your baby is growing and will lose some of his/her weight because of loss of placenta. However, feeding would, eventually, add around 200g by the end of the first week. The average weight gain would be 150-200g per week for the first month. Remember, your baby is not used to a schedule so you need to latch them frequently. Try feeding every few hours. This would lead to forming a schedule.

First Month

Frequency: 40 mins to an hour per day (Number of feedings may vary to schedule) ( 125-150 ml/feed )

By now, a rapid gain in weight would have happened and your baby would now have gained about 500g to 1kg. This pace of weight gain will continue for the first few months of his life. Your baby would grow an inch per month, for the first six months. Breastfeeding for first month gives your baby significant protection against food allergy and respiratory allergy.

Second Month

Frequency: Feed after every 2.5-3 hours ( 71-113 ml/feed )

By now, your baby is used to latching on and finds it easy to milk your breast hence, the span of each feeding would reduce. Moreover, your baby would be vaccinated for the first time since birth now, and your breast milk would help significantly in generating antibodies.

Third Month

Frequency: Feed after every 3-4 hours during daytime ( 94-125 ml/feed )

Your baby would experience another growth spurt during this time. However, this doesn’t mean that your baby is ready to switch to solid food just yet. If you find that your little one is feeding less at night, she will compensate with longer day time feeds.

Fourth Month

Frequency: Five to seven times in 24 hours ( 107-125 ml/feed )

Some babies start teething around this time, so you might find your baby sucking on his fingers and toys. However, his sucking on things might not be an indication of hunger.

Fifth Month

Frequency: Five to seven times in 24 hours ( 107-125 ml/feed )

The requirements remain same as before. If you breastfeed your baby till this time, it not only ensures protection against ear infections; your baby would also have a better digestive system.

Sixth Month

Frequency: Five to seven times in 24 hours ( 107-125 ml/feed )

The baby would experience another growth spurt around this time. Although you can feed him semi - solid food now, it is advisable to offer breastmilk first as it is more healthy and nutritious.

Watch this video to know more about breatsfeeding your baby:

Happy Parenting

Anu Singh Choudhary
Anu Singh Choudhary is a Communications Consultant, Documentary Filmmaker, Writer, Editor, Translator and Blogger all rolled into one. A compulsive multitasker, Anu is the author of two books Neela Scarf and Mamma ki Dairy

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