Children Bank of India: SBI Says No Complaint of Fake 2,000 Notes

Published on 22 Feb 2017 . 2 min read

A SBI ATM in South Delhi’s Sangam Vihar dispensed four fake Rs 2,000 notes to a customer on 6 February. The notes were riddled with glaring errors and may have been the work of pranksters.

The SBI, on Thursday, said that the complainant never approached them and suspects the involvement of miscreants.

The ATMs handled by the same custodians and replenished by the same cash agency are also being examined by the bank.

The fake notes read ‘Children Bank of India,’ instead of ‘Reserve Bank of India’. And in place of ‘Guaranteed by the Central Government, they said, ‘Guaranteed by the Children’s Government’, a report in Hindustan Times said.

The latent image read ‘Churan lable’ and had a ‘PK’ logo instead of the RBI seal.

The man who received the fake notes, a call centre executive, also noted other discrepancies like the statement “I promise to pay the bearer two thousand coupons”. He then approached the police.

“We sent a sub-inspector to verify the allegations. He withdrew a Rs 2,000 note and that too turned out to be fake,” said a police official, adding that other notes were found to be genuine.

No other person has come out with similar complaints. A case of cheating, manufacturing documents resembling currency notes, and using forged or counterfeit notes has been registered.

(With inputs from ANI)

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