Check Out These Cool Styles To Display Coffee Mugs

Published on 7 Feb 2017 . 2 min read

Stacking up on coffee mugs is my weakness and displaying it in a funky manner just adds to its charm. Coffee mugs are a darling for caffeine lovers like us. Look at these beauties. Even if you are not a coffee lover, I am confident you’ll end up craving for these mugs to adorn your kitchen walls.







Displaying an envious collection of mugs is as good as showing off your in-house bar. You can experiment and create your own space for hanging your coffee mugs’ collection.

You don’t have to invest in creating a space for your mugs. DIY options have made our lives simpler and creative. Investing in expensive architectural designs is a passe. All you need is a hammer, nail and few other tools and essentially a superb idea.

These super cool ways to organize coffee mugs  in your kitchen space is the ultimate way to show off your home decor skills. Finesse is not a priority here, making it look chic is our concern. Don’t aim for geometrical arrangements like a pyramid display of coffee mugs. And, definitely don’t make your coffee mugs do all sorts of stunts.


Keep it simple, cool and homely!


Lola Jutta
An unapologetic writer, budding travel enthusiast and a default optimist! Life is what you make out of it.

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