Makeup Tutorials In A Never Seen Before Avatar By Tanya Hennessy

Last updated 7 Mar 2017 . 4 min read

I really respect makeup artists from the bottom of my heart. Applying makeup is an art. It’s not an easy task to accentuate the best features on a face and conceal the flaws. It takes patience, understanding and real talent to transform a face post makeup for the good, of course. 

But why the bloody hell is it complicated as hell. Can somebody please explain the difference between primer, foundation and the god damn concealer. Do you keep questioning, why lord, why?! Do you also keep wondering how the hell does contouring work. Oh yeah, the brushes. Why so many of them? What are we gonna paint, a wall? It’s a face, not a canvas.



Exactly my thoughts. I mean, don’t get me wrong here. I love putting on makeup and flaunting colors all over. But, the method to it, really messes up with my mental peace.



Has it ever happened with you? I committed a major makeup faux pas and it was downright embarrassing. After slathering the foundation and dabbling the powdered foundation, (just to make sure the oil on my face doesn’t start oozing out from the pores.) I realized my final look is cakey, or what I like to call, the ‘ramleela fairness.’ That just put me off from applying layers and layers of foundation and other such base. Although, I do understand the need to apply so many layers, owing to certain professions. But, frankly it seems like a waste of time and energy to me. I am sure scores of working women who have to travel early in the morning to be able to reach their offices, don’t even apply foundation to begin with. Time constraints leave them settling down with the basic kohl and lipstick. While enroute to their office.



I have been witness to many such on-the-go makeup sessions. To be honest, I don’t find these women dishevelled or tacky. It  is enough for a person to take out time and put in effort to look raring to go on. Not that women who prefer going au natural’ lack the drive. It is just that, it shows that you look forward to a day and still put on a bright red lipstick, no matter how depressing the world becomes.



Tanya Hennessy is a different sorta beauty blogger. You take makeup advice from Tanya at your own risk. No asterisk marked warning here, given in small italics. Out and bold, there it is. She seldom has any idea about the brands, colors, or even its usage. But at the end the result is pretty average. Just how you and I would end up after applying the “makeup” (kajal, lipstick or at the most the mascara, when we feel adventurous) Good! I guess that’s the magical thing about makeup.


Beauty essentials nowadays is possibly the most flourishing market with serums, to concealers to tinted moisturisers and what not in the market. They have a sneaky way of playing our insecurities and tapping into that as a potential business option. The list of beauty essentials keeps changing and some or the other is added. You might not be able to emulate the on screen heroines and their flawless makeup (psst..they have battery of helpers for every damn work).

Hey hey, worry not, you will end up looking good, as long as putting on makeup brings a smile onto your face and makes you feel amazing about yourself.


Check out Tanya’s another attempt at giving makeup tutorials. Smile is the best makeup a girl could wear, said the gorgeous Marilyn Monroe. Why not start with a huge smile, rest will follow.



Lola Jutta
An unapologetic writer, budding travel enthusiast and a default optimist! Life is what you make out of it.

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