BJP Parliamentary Board to Discuss UP, Uttarakhand CMs on Sunday

Published on 12 Mar 2017 . 1 min read

BJP Parliamentary Board will meet in New Delhi on Sunday evening to discuss the probable names for the post of Chief Minister in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand, where it has won a comfortable majority in the assembly elections.

The board will also work on the strategy for Goa and Manipur, where the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has propelled itself in the game of government formation, though it has failed to get majority.

BJP President Amit Shah had said on Saturday that the party's Parliamentary Board would meet on Sunday to discuss the future course of action.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is also likely to attend the meeting.

In addition, the board will also declare names of observers who will hold meetings with the elected members of assemblies in the respective states.

The Quint
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