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Meet the SHEROES - Kalpana Heblekar2 Min read
India does have a huge handicraft industry and every state boasts of its own unique design theme and expertise. Some states are known for the...
How To Use Social Media To Find More Work3 Min read
If you missed the morning chat with Ankita Gaba, Co-founder – Social Samosa on ‘How To Find More Work Using Social Media’ here are ...
Meet the SHEROES - Shreya S Bathrinath3 Min read
Starting a site dedicated to the world of child birthing news is of course one splendid idea and Shreya Bathrinath did just that. On her site...
10 Cool Start-ups by Indian Women4 Min read
2014 has seen some awesome women starting-up. India’s women entrepreneurship environment exposes statistics of improvement with respec...
Meet the SHEROES - Jainee Gandhi3 Min read
Most women are conscious about their overall appearance and image and few make it a career! Improving or enhancing your image can actually bo...
Digital Vidya: Certified Web Analytics Master (CWAM) Course3 Min read
Digital Vidya, Asia's leading Digital Marketing Education company brings to you a Web Analytics Master Certification. Course Description: ...
Meet the SHEROES - Bindu Madhu4 Min read
Bindhu Madhu has just recently founded her own Design Studio. However, this studio focuses on designs for children! Be it toys and games or s...
A SHERO in her own home3 Min read
She had been roaming the big world out there looking for SHEROES - She Heroes; ordinary women who had done something extraordinary. Women lik...
Meet the SHEROES - Aruna Raman9 Min read
Aruna is India Program Director at Acara, an impact entrepreneurship program at the University of Minnesota. She helps set up internships and...