Why working in start-ups is a good idea

Last updated 14 Feb 2016 . 3 min read

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If you long for better appreciation at work, want to push your creative genius, constantly work out of the box, aspire for more freedom in how you execute your tasks and work with the true innovators of the society then working for a start-up is definitely your cup of tea.

Living on the wild side isn't right or wrong, it’s a choice. Again, not a good choice nor bad, it’s simply just a choice. I have known many who find their peace is being in their comfort zone and some who just can’t survive in a controlled predictable environment. If you thrive under constant pressure then you must, at least once in your career, work for a start-up.

The pros and the cons will definitely be debatable but with innovators and their start-ups mushrooming around, the situation definitely begs for a conversation about if it’s prudent to work for one or no.

Let’s begin with the pros.

Since resources will be limited you will be constantly innovating, as goes the famous saying - Necessity is the mother of all inventions. You will have to do so while being at the top of your game for the big fish eats the small is now no longer restricted only in the food cycle.

With limited resources (read funds) your efficiency will have to reach newer levels that you never imagined existed. Resilience will develop a whole new meaning and you will find the courage that you never imagined you possessed.

You will be working closely with entrepreneurs who had faith in their vision and confidence in their competence, working closely with such people will bring about a radical change in your mindset too.

And lastly once the start-up starts growing and receives funding, the ESOPs or equity that you may have got in lieu of a fat salary appraisal will turn out to be much more rewarding than what you may have drawn working for an established corporate.

If the start-up has reasonable funding and a solid business model then it turns out to be less of a risk but otherwise it can sometimes turn out to be very challenging to work for such an enterprise too, which brings us to discussing the cons.

Jack of all trades is great for experience but you may be left without a solid job description, you will often be juggling roles and managing several profiles at the same time. Working long hours to compensate for the limited resources can rattle the work - life balance.

Also a cash strapped enterprise may soon run out of money if it fails to meet its revenue targets or generate adequate funding and you may find yourself without a job if the start-up goes out of business.

All in all you should look at working for a startup like taking an adventure park ride - sometimes you will shut your eyes tight in terror and sometimes you will be enjoying the adrenaline of pure thrill.

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Mudita Ghia
Mudita Ghia is a contributing writer with SHEROES and is the Founder and Director of Clarus Media.

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