Who Said What At The SHEROES Breastfeeding Report Launch #MakingItWork

Last updated 3 Mar 2017 . 6 min read

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Breastfeeding in public gets at times curious looks, at times uncomfortable looks, and at times disgusted looks. But what we fail to realise is that a woman’s body undergoes tremendous change, post pregnancy. And, breastfeeding is a vital component of that change. 

It is easy to shame a woman who is breastfeeding in public, but imagine the dilemma of a new mother who has to feed her infant who is crying blue out of hunger. Have we created such spaces where a mother can breastfeed peacefully without any judgemental looks infringing her privacy? Not really. 

Sairee Chahal, founder, CEO, SHEROES has rightly pointed out saying; “It’s easier to find a smoking room as opposed to a breastfeeding room says a lot about our priorities we have about our work-life design.”


SHEROES in collaboration with Babygogo and immense support from Medela,  launched a report on breastfeeding with the purpose to put out facts on the table. Also effect a change in policies to mainstream women at workplace. Not only paper or policy mainstream them, but in actual practice, as rightly said by Sairee. 

We have initiated the beginning, i.e. start a conversation and include women’s say in this matter. 

Breastfeeding Report – Choices and Spaces, is the first in the Making It Work series by SHEROES. It provides data on how comfortable women feel while breastfeeding and the reactions and the support eco-system which exist at home, work and public places. Less than 34% percent of babies are exclusively breastfed for the first six months. While more than 75% of mothers deliver in health facilities, less than 44% of mothers are able to breastfeed their babies within the first hour of delivery.

Importance Of Space

"The workplace of the future is inclusive and more open to diverse sets of people and making space for them is a key business imperative. Breastfeeding has been a concern for women as it impacts their mobility and ability to carry on with their routine work and life activities. This exercise around making breastfeeding work for women as they navigate various spaces will help us enhance the conversation in the space and connect diverse voices to this important topic.” ~ Sairee Chahal, CEO SHEROES


The event was graced by an esteemed panel comprising names like celebrated journalist, Bee Rowlatt, senior pediatrician, Dr. Gagan Malhotra, general manager, Medela India Pvt Ltd, Emilie Moulard, Global HR advisor at Royal Dutch Shell, Jyothsana Vasudevan, CEO-Babygogo, Siddhartha Ahluwalia, Avani Parekh, Director of empathy at SHEROES and Sairee Chahal, founder & CEO, SHEROES.

Over 3500 women participated in the breastfeeding survey from across sectors. Most were from India, and few respondents from UAE and Singapore. Majority of them were working mothers. 

We have compiled here few powerful quotes from the event.

Emilie Moulard, @sairee & @siddharthaa7 launch the #breastfeeding report #makingitwork @babygogo_in, @MedelaIndia pic.twitter.com/0MxDwwG3sj

— SHEROES (@SHEROESIndia) March 1, 2017

"The fact that you can find a smoker room more easily than a breastfeeding room says it all." @Sairee @SHEROESIndia pic.twitter.com/CYwLP6JTUq

— Bee Rowlatt (@BeeRowlatt) March 1, 2017

We launch with a discussion with @BeeRowlatt, Emilie Moulard from @MedelaIndia, Dr Gagan & Jyothsana Vasudevan from @Shell#Breastfeeding

— SHEROES (@SHEROESIndia) March 1, 2017

Initiatives like #Breastfeeding rooms like ones started in #jaipur need to be started everywhere - Emilie Moulard, @MedelaIndia#makeitwork

— SHEROES (@SHEROESIndia) March 1, 2017

66.7% new moms are uncomfortable with Breastfeeding their babies in Public Spaces - #MakingItWork #Breastfeeding

— SHEROES (@SHEROESIndia) March 1, 2017

Out of 3500 only 20 percent of the respondents indicated their workplaces had safe places to breastfeed. #MakingItWork #Breastfeeding

— SHEROES (@SHEROESIndia) March 1, 2017

It is about getting back to career and not work- and that is where corporates need to play a role #MakingItWork @MedelaIndia

— SHEROES (@SHEROESIndia) March 1, 2017

We have maternity buddies @Shell to help new moms cruise through smoothly says Jyothsana Vasudevan#breastfeeding #MakingItWork

— SHEROES (@SHEROESIndia) March 1, 2017

It would be a great if a celebrity endorses breastfeeding - @BeeRowlatt #MakingItWork

— SHEROES (@SHEROESIndia) March 1, 2017

Choices are never 'either' or 'or', there needs to be a space for everything - Jyothsana Vasudevan from @Shell#MakingItWork #Breastfeeding

— SHEROES (@SHEROESIndia) March 1, 2017

India is a more breastfeeding country than Europe Emilie Moulard from @MedelaIndia #MakingItWork #Breastfeeding

— SHEROES (@SHEROESIndia) March 1, 2017

We have a lot of work to do with hospitals and corporates - Emilie Moulard from @MedelaIndia #MakingItWork #Breastfeeding

— SHEROES (@SHEROESIndia) March 1, 2017

70% of moms pump milk in cars which means corporates aren't supporting says Emilie Moulard from @MedelaIndia #MakingItWork #Breastfeeding

— SHEROES (@SHEROESIndia) March 1, 2017

When you have a baby you have a lot of advice but no one to talk to -Emilie Moulard from @MedelaIndia #MakingItWork #Breastfeeding

— SHEROES (@SHEROESIndia) March 1, 2017

Our motto at @MedelaIndia is to first promote #breastfeeding and then breast pumps says Emilie Moulard#MakinItWork

— SHEROES (@SHEROESIndia) March 1, 2017

When I was in the newsroom, was a very macho environment, I hid during breaks to express milk, @BeeRowlatt#MakingItWork #Breastfeeding

— SHEROES (@SHEROESIndia) March 1, 2017

Breast pump is a fabulous way to store milk and feed the child - Dr Gagan #breastfeeding #MakingItWork @MedelaIndia

— SHEROES (@SHEROESIndia) March 1, 2017

Breast pumps are underestimated and need to be publicised - Dr Gagan #Breastfeeding #MakingItWork @MedelaIndia, @babygogo_in

— SHEROES (@SHEROESIndia) March 1, 2017

A feeding robe should be publicized to create awareness, these can be bought from market or can be made using simple cotton cloth.
-Dr Gagan

— SHEROES (@SHEROESIndia) March 1, 2017

Things like #breastfeeding is everybody's issue, the network effect can change a lot for women - @Sairee #MakingItWork

— SHEROES (@SHEROESIndia) March 1, 2017

No one not even the family of a woman should tell her where to breastfeed & when - Siddhartha Ahluwalia, CEO @babygogo_in #Breastfeeding

— SHEROES (@SHEROESIndia) March 1, 2017

And the report is launched - #Breastfeeding. Need a copy? Write to us at care@sheroes.in #MakingItWork

— SHEROES (@SHEROESIndia) March 1, 2017

Lola Jutta
An unapologetic writer, budding travel enthusiast and a default optimist! Life is what you make out of it.

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