What’s In A Designation?

Last updated 24 Aug 2016 . 3 min read

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When a work-from-home content writer who had spent the last three years writing for digital media joined an advertising agency, she was recruited as a copywriter.

However, she had years of experience in the digital space and was eventually roped in to do adverts primarily for the digital space. With her experience, it eventually led to her coordinating and planning entire tasks and campaigns for digital campaigns; but on paper, she was a copywriter.

When leaving the organization, she therefore did not get her true due.

Why? Because, although she had relevant experience as a digital marketer or digital coordinator--skills built over years--on paper, she had been a copywriter; and it was now hard (but not impossible) to bag the role of a digital marketer or digital lead in another agency.

The corporate world is full of rules and regulations; yet, when it comes to human resource (HR) processes, a lot still needs to be done.

In India, it may be observed that smaller companies are a lot more relaxed about certain processes. Delay in receiving experience letters or Form 16’s is a common complaint, as is delay in finalising paper work.

When N wanted a raise at work, what he got was a change in designation. Albeit a made-up designation, it did boost his confidence levels. This helped him strive for a more senior role as well as improved her productivity.

A designation describes your role in an organization. It will give the next potential employer you approach an idea of what you did and what you can do. For instance, if you resigned at the post of a public relations manager, any recruiter or HR personnel reading your profile will have a general idea of what else you can do, or what role you could fit in, in another company.

The lesson to learn: Don’t underestimate the power of your designation!

When joining an organisation, do not just compare the salary; compare the designation you had and the one you are being offered. Ask yourself: Is this going to help you grow professionally? To grow in an industry or in your career, different designations will help document your journey and rise. Yes, it is important to pay attention to this--so don’t forget to!

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Paroma Sen
Paroma Sen is a professional content and creative writer.

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