What Is It Like To Work At SHEROES

Last updated 19 Sep 2016 . 5 min read

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I was working at an online media portal in 2015. I was really satisfied with the kind of work I was doing there. But destiny had other plans for me, and I had to move on from there. 

I tried my luck in many media companies. In some, I got my choice of work, while in others, I got the position I wanted. 

I came across SHEROES sometime in March 2016 on Twitter. I was looking for something good, where I could take my career forward.

The moment I looked at the name of the company, I felt this could be something interesting for me. I quickly copied the name of the website and Googled it. There was another reason to smile when I read the description: "We provide opportunity scape to women."

I immediately registered on SHEROES, made my profile and quickly scanned through the opportunities which matched my skills. My mind and eyes were looking for a job at SHEROES. Within a few minutes, I found something interesting and without thinking twice, I clicked on the 'apply' button. It was as if the opportunity was waiting for me. I spent a few more minutes on the website, trying to see if they had something else for me, when suddenly I got call from them for the interview. Next day, there I was, sitting right opposite founder and CEO, Sairee Chahal.

To my surprise, she didn't ask me the typical questions that are usually asked during interviews. She asked me just three things:

One - What is the biggest regret of your life? Something you still want to do?

Second - Do you have a Twitter handle?

The third wasn't really a question, but an insight as to how 'you' should grow here, because only then we will grow together.

I was brutually honest while answering all these questions, and somewhere, my mind seemed to feel: "This is it."

That conversation made me think and realise that this is something different, something that will make me realise my potential rather than just doing work for the sake of doing it, from 9 to 5. 

Today, I have completed four months at SHEROES. I know this is very little time to really understand everything in a company. But trust me, I am good at learning and analysing from other's experience!

So here, I list the things which made me really take time to put in words--what is it really like to work at SHEROES and how are we totally different from any other organisation out there:

  • We don't consider ourselves a corporate organisation, neither are we an NGO working for the welfare of women. We are an ecosystem that is trying to find a solution to every problem women have out there--be it related to career, life, love, or any other thing
  • We do not aspire to be a company where there are thousands of employees working 9 to 5, creating revenue models. Obviously we want to earn revenues, but not at the cost of empathy. We want to stay connected within ourselves, empathise with women, work for them, work for the community.
  • Our core mission and value is not to be another billion dollar organisation. But we want to bring change in India, in the world. We want to shape the future of the women, the way they currently work, and the way they would like to work.
  • We hire people who are looking for something valuable in their life, and not just those who are there to earn money.
  • We don't have teams, departments, or organisational structure. We try and understand each other's work. We at SHEROES empathise with each other, care for each other, do each other's work when needed.
  • We take ownership rather than being asked to do something.
  • We build together, we work together to create something. We make it happen, rather than than just enjoying the fruit of success.
  • We have one-rule-for-all policies. Same rules apply to every one, even if it is our founder.
  • We take a problem as an opportunity to take charge, rather than cribbing about the situation.
  • We don't backbite; or rather we don't have the time to do so. We enjoy each other's company. This is one thing which I have seen only in this organisation. We all come from different backgrounds. Yet, we have an awesome connection. We really care for each other.
  • One thing which we dont compromise on is our culture--the "Culture" which we have defined way before our core product. Companies initially focus extensively on the product. But culture is as important as product. The people whom you hire are the most important aspect. 

I should not say this, but still, I want to bring this point out. Being the only Muslim here, I have got really good teammates who empathsze with me. Sometimes, I forget to offer my namaj, but they remember and tell me, "See, it's already 1:30, why have you not offerred your prayers."

After working at SHEROES, you suddenly realise you won't be able to like any other organisation now. You don't get great perks here, but you get great job satisfaction!

Raba Raza
Raba is a finance and marketing professional with an immense interest in reading. She has a passion for writing and loves trying to put her thoughts into words.

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