What Do The Last Words Of The Dying Tell Us About Their Lives?

Published on 16 Oct 2015 . 2 min read

An article published recently in UK, talks about how the dying look back at their relationships.

A poll apparently says that: “The survey of 2,198 people who had lost a relative in the last year found 83 per cent had been given advice of some kind,” says the article published in The Independent.  

Relationships were the most common subject of conversation (62 per cent), following by careers (56 per cent), family (43 per cent) and education (39 per cent).

Twenty-nine per cent of those surveyed said the deceased person had wanted them to be happy, with 17 per cent saying they were told to live life without regret.

Twenty-nine per cent of those surveyed said the deceased person had wanted them to be happy, with 17 per cent saying they were told to live life without regret.

However six per cent said they had been essentially taught a lesson and 21 per cent were told to put right past mistakes.”

The poll was conducted by Perfect Choice Funerals, 

“Relationship advice is very common in this situation, as we have seen from our research. This is the final chance to let your loved one know what you think and many take the opportunity to share their thoughts.”

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