Tips to update profile when coming back to work
So you’ve taken that sabbatical from work, you’ve had that baby or gone for that big fat Indian wedding and are now going back to work. Now what? Are you eager to get back to work? Has it been just a couple of months since you’ve left or has it been a year or maybe more?
The first step when it comes to launching yourself in the professional world again is presenting yourself well. How does one do that exactly? Well, quite simply, with a great profile. Here’s what returning professionals should avoid doing when making their profile again,
Be Precise
When filling their profile, many returning professionals try to make up for the ‘sabbatical’ by stretching out their past work experiences. If you’ve worked for 3 years as a Manager in a Retail Clothing Outlet, stick to writing just that. Avoid the excess baggage of words by writing about irrelevant stuff like how you found the job, what it taught you, etc.
Be Honest
If you have taken a sabbatical, don’t lie about it. Be honest. The last thing a potential employer wants to hire is a proven liar! In fact, clearly write that you were on a breakup for whatever reason and mention what you did or how you pursued a relevant education during that time to add to your profile.
Focus on Skills
Again, it’s important to stay confident and focus on why you want a job and what you can do at the workplace to add value. Write about your skills. Talk about how you can do justice to the role. Many returning professionals tend to feel out of place just because they were on a sabbatical. If you present yourself in a correct manner, that little break may not affect you as much as you think it will!
When returning to work, try to get recent references if possible. If you’ve been out of work for over a year, include the references of the last company you worked for. Keep in Mind that putting in details of the previous 5 employers may not be as effective as the immediate last one, especially for a returning professional.
Get Help
If you’re stuck and can’t seem to write your own profile, seek mentor’s advice. Don’t bog yourself down. SHEROES is here to help you take charge, keep yourself with the career resources and jobs.