What We Must Teach Our Sons?

Last updated 24 Nov 2016 . 2 min read

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After a very moving letter from Mary Kom to her sons about the perpetrator to be blamed for any sexual crimes. And how every perpetrator's mother has also felt shame because she was once a victim too..few of us from team SHEROES paid a trip to an all boy's school today. And post various conversations around love, sex and healthy relationships.

Here are 5 things to teach son:
1. Boys are girls are anatomically different, but they're both human beings. They're allowed to feel differently and react differently and they're entitled to their own opinions.

2. The parents do not feel luckier to have had a boy. If the boy has a sister, the parents are equally happy to have her around.

3. Girls should not be eve-teased. They don't like it- there are better ways to communicate how you feel, following someone and teasing them isn't among them.

4. It's okay if a boy likes a boy. It isn't unnatural and it's nothing to be ashamed of.

5. Girls and boys are not equal, they are different. This doesn't mean girls deserve any less education or opportunities.


Raagini Kaushal

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