Sushma Swaraj Reaches Out to Pak Govt to Find Missing Sufi Clerics

Published on 16 Mar 2017 . 2 min read

Two Indian clerics, including the head priest of New Delhi's Nizamuddin Dargah, have gone missing in Pakistan, prompting India to take up the matter with the Pakistani government.

According to official sources in New Delhi, Asif Nizami, the chief priest, and Nazim Nizami had gone to visit the famous Daata Darbar shrine in Lahore and were to catch a flight from there to Karachi on Wednesday.

Minister of External Affairs Sushma Swaraj on Friday tweeted that she had taken up the matter with the government of Pakistan and has requested them for an update on both the Indian nationals.

One of the last few pictures of Auliya Asif Ali Nizami and Nazim Nizami. (Photo: ANI Screenshot)

The matter has been taken up with the Pakistan government both in New Delhi as well as through the Indian mission in Islamabad, the source said.

The duo had gone to Karachi to meet their relatives on 8 March before traveling to Lahore to visit the shrine.

Exchanges between clerics of the Nizamuddin Dargah and the Daata Darbar are part of a regular tradition.

(With inputs from PTI)

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