SHEROES shining on our skies have left the world in awe
Somewhere, hidden deep beneath the clutter of emotions and anxieties is a SHERO in each one of us. That SHERO has been allowed visibility in varied proportions through various generations.
Our grandmothers’ generation didn’t know there could be a thing like SHERO. Had not a fading idea of it! Our mothers’ generation only discovered it as an alien trying to intrude into their lives to disturb the rhythm. So more women of that generation were independent and stood on their own two feet but only until they tied the knot. As soon as they tied the knot, they were automatically tied up, to clutches, the clutches that were their husbands.
‘Your husband is earning well. Why should you go to office?’ That did them in. But dare you say that to their face! You will be ostracized immediately. Because you will look like ‘a feminist who could not make her own family or may be destroyed it (if you are separated) and can’t see happy couples and families.’ And that would be a legendary quote from a woman not a man more often.
This generation has its share of the previous generations’ hangover in the form of insecure women in a denial mode. But we have by and large taken care of it.
I can’t forget a 75-year-old woman, who, when she got married as a 25-year-old, left her job as a teacher at a reputed school in Delhi. Reason: She married into a rich family. And how rich were they? Well, what with owning three expensive cars in those times when only film stars and industrialists owned cars in India?
She said to me, “I could have retired as the principal of the school as I was doing really well. A lot maybe over for me now but I am still full of passion to do something.’ She has worked with some social work organizations in Delhi over the past few years. She had met me in mid-2013 and expressed her desire to join the Aam Aadmi Party, which was at its peak around that time. ‘They mean business,’ she said, ‘I would like to serve the people. You are a journalist. You must have contacts. Can you help me join this party? I don’t want an official position. But joining a strong organization would make it easier for someone like me who has not worked for over three decades.’
Even as we were thinking about it, things changed and the political party faded away into its own shadow. However, this lady is now working round the clock with at least two NGOs.
We live in a different world now. More women are joining the workforce. Many may still be quitting upon getting married, but every parent is dreaming of a career for their daughter even though at times it maybe to add to their daughters’ matrimonial credentials. But at least it has started. We live in times where there are fewer chances of female talent being left unnoticed unless women opt for it.
With companies like Accenture and Goldman Sachs creating programmes to re-hire women who had quit jobs to attend to children, we may have moved into another era altogether. Then there are platforms like SHEROES, just a tinkle away. Women, who are confused about restarting their careers or starting their careers after the ‘conventional age’ of joining the workforce is long gone, may not be left high and dry any more unless they choose to.
The 75-year-old woman I mentioned in this column is just one among the thousands SHEROES shining…brightening up the world like stars on a night sky. How we love star-gazing! We want more of those stars!