Sheena Bora’s Brother Mikhail Seeks Control of Her Property Share

Published on 17 Mar 2017 . 2 min read

Two months after Indrani Mukerjea was charged with murder and conspiracy by a special CBI court in the infamous Sheena Bora case, she now faces a new challenge; property dispute.

An Indian Express report says that Indrani's son Mikhail Bora has requested the Guwahati High Court to award him a grant of probate for his late grandmother Durgaranee’s second will and has also sought control of his deceased sister Sheena's share in the Rs 2-crore property which she would’ve inherited.

After Durgaranee passed away in November 2015, her husband Upendra Bora was in charge of the property.

The second will, created six days before Sheena's murder in April 2012, hands over a house to Mikhail and only two rooms used by the servants to Sheena, according to a Mumbai Mirror report. The first will equally divide the property between the two.

Meanwhile, Indrani has been asked by the Guwahati court to submit her objection to Mikhail’s plea by 27 March.

According to the CBI chargesheet, Indrani even threatened Sheena via Mikhail saying that she will be “disinherited” from the property if she continued her relationship with her step father Peter Mukerjea’s son Rahul. Indrani’s estranged husband Peter and ex-husband Sanjeev Khanna have also been accused in the murder case.

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