Providing A Platform for Mental Wellness: Richa Singh - The Woman Behind ‘YourDOST’
Do you know of any person (friend, acquaintance or loved one) who committed suicide? Have you ever thought what could have led that person to take this drastic step? Do you think it could have been avoided? If your answer to all the questions above is yes, then you know the exact thought that drove Richa Singh to create a platform for mental wellness called YourDOST.
The Conception
The idea germinated when Richa’s hostel mate at IIT Guwahati committed suicide anticipating a bad placement. Being sensitive to the issue of psychological health, Richa thought that this could have been avoided had anyone known the mental plight of that person. Hence, along with other likeminded people, YourDOST was conceptualized and it began operations in December 2014.
The Team
The team at ‘YourDOST’ comprises of 200 psychologists, psychotherapists, counselors, life coaches, career guides and people who have rich and deep life experiences. It provides an option for users to connect through free online chats, voice/video calls or personalized programs. The team is available to address issues 24X7 because they understand that a thought as extreme as harming oneself is not time bound and needs immediate intervention.
Countering societal stigma
Richa feels that society plays an important role in the stigma that is attached to stress and mental health issues like depression. So people fear that society will deem them as mentally ill or call them ‘mad’ and ‘insane’ if they seek professional help.
The WHO defines mental health as “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.” Mental health in India has a long way to go, since we often merely term someone with psychological difficulties as ‘mad’ and do not understand that there are means to help them.
Emphasis on mental wellbeing
A very profound thought comes from Richa; she says, “Today, we have so many ways to connect but we feel lonelier than ever before.” At this time, emotional sharing is needed, and that is exactly where comes in. This looks at breaking the taboo associated with mental health counseling. It also examines the belief that if a doctor does not prescribe medicines to you, then you are being cheated in some manner.
Her mantra
Richa Singh is a strong woman who believes that if you want to make something happen, then only the efforts that you put in matter, not your background. And, she has certainly proved this in her own life!
Written by Ruchi Rajan