Proven Ways To Protect Babies & Children From Harmful UV Rays

Last updated 8 Apr 2017 . 4 min read

Come summers and kids just want to bask in the sun and play. The harsh winters and the cold breezes had kept them locked in the four walls of their houses for quite a long time. Now is the time to play outside and have some fun. But don’t forget to apply a lavish amount of sunscreen before your kids leave home.

What happens when kids are exposed to the sun for long?

Exposure to the sun is both beneficial and harmful for babies and kids. It is a known fact that the sun is one can get the purest form of Vitamin D from the sun but prolonged exposure to the sun can be harmful. It can harm your child in the following ways:

1. It can cause sunburns on your child’s skin

2. It can cause sun spots on your child’s skin

3. It can cause dark circles under your child’s eyes

4. It can lead to early aging.

5. The Ultra-violet rays of the sun can lead to skin cancer.

6. Basking in the sun for too long can also lead to dehydration and dizziness.

7. Also, babies’ and children’s skin is very sensitive and it is more vulnerable and prone to get affected by the sun.

Why should you use Sunscreen?

In such a scenario, a sunscreen can help to protect your child from the harmful effects of the sun. Contrary to traditional beliefs, pediatricians and dermatologists nowadays advise that it is ok to apply a sunscreen lotion on babies. A good sunscreen will act as a barrier between the skin and the rays of the sun and prevent your child from getting affected by the rays of the sun. You would need to reapply the sunscreen after every two hours to reap maximum benefits.

How to choose a good sunscreen?

Baby product manufacturers are mushrooming in every part of the world and many of them have a sunscreen lotion in their product catalog. However, you can’t just pick up any sunscreen for your kid. An effective sunscreen should have the following characteristics:

1. It should have an SPF of at least 15. An SPF of 30-50 is sufficient. Don’t get tricked into buying an SPF of more than that.

2. It should be able to offer at least 80-90% protection from the ultraviolet rays of the sun.

3. It should not contain any chemicals such as retinyl palmitate and oxybenzone.

It should contain child-friendly ingredients such as zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, and avobenzone.

Apart from applying a good sunscreen, you must dress up your child in light colored clothes and cover the body as much as possible. Make your child wear a hat and sunglasses. Also, if possible, try and keep your child indoors from 10 am – 3 pm since the sun’s heat is at its peak during this time.


This article was originally published here.


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