Patients Will Save Rs 4,450 Crore After Stent Price Cap: Govt

Published on 15 Mar 2017 . 2 min read

The price control of stents will result in annual savings of about Rs 4,450 crore for patients, Parliament was informed on Tuesday.

Minister of State for Chemicals Mansukh L Mandaviya said in a written reply to the Lok Sabha:

The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) had notified the ceiling price of coronary stents at Rs 7,260 for bare metal stent and Rs 29,600 for drug-eluting ones.

The corresponding average MRPs before the notification stood at Rs 45,100 and Rs 1.21 lakh.

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In a separate reply, the minister said the NPPA has directed hospitals to issue detailed bills to patients, specifically and separately mentioning cost of the coronary stents along with brand name of manufacturer or importer and other details.

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Non-adherence to the rules will be treated as deliberate distortion of evidence along with charges of overpricing inviting prosecution under the Essential Commodities Act, Mandaviya added.

The government has alerted the states and state drug controllers to monitor the availability of stents, he said.

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The NPPA already has conducted two rounds of discussions with the stent companies which in turn have promised required level of availability.

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