Not All Are Happy With a ‘Matrix’ Reboot That Maybe in the Works

Published on 16 Mar 2017 . 2 min read

The reboot for the iconic sci-fi film The Matrix is in early works.

Warner Bros is in the initial stages of developing a relaunch of the 1999 movie starring Keanu Reeves and Laurence Fishburne in key roles, sources told The Hollywood Reporter.

According to insider information, Michael B Jordan is being sought to star in the new film of the franchise, but a lot of groundwork must be laid before going any further.

The Wachowski siblings, who wrote and directed the original and the two sequels, are currently not involved in the project.

During the promotion of John Wick: Chapter 2, Reeves said he would return for another spell if the Wachowskis were involved.

And of course, ardent fans of the trilogy react.

Recently, the idea of adapting The Matrix as a TV series was dumped.

(With inputs from PTI)

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