Millennials Show Us The Right Way To Search For Jobs

Published on 24 Feb 2017 . 2 min read

Hunting for jobs is a serious task. Focus and determination while sweating it out at the job search stage might land you the dream job. Think of the times when you had to excel in math and had to speak fluent English or had to go through a referral for a decent job. 

Ah well, it’s the age of communications. And boy we are bombarded with information from all over.  So, there’s no dearth of options for us. The term job has expanded, grown and transformed over the past few years. It would exponentially grow even more in the future.

Google is where you search for jobs nowadays. And boy! The kind of search we have has also gone a quirky transition. 

For example, I don’t really understand numbers and trust me when I say this, even 10 years down the line, Mathematics was the be all and end all of it. The fact that I am not good at it, made me inefficient and cast my future in darkness. Yeah at least that is what my relatives thought. “Math me kamzor hai, oho, phir toh mushkil hoga!” 

Bang millennials! Bang internet! And the Big Bang-Startups!  It just fell in place, we don’t have to excel in studies, or mug the trigonometric formulas to have a bright future anymore. And where do you get such jobs. Google, of courseJ Check out this cool Buzzfeed Post On How People Search For Jobs on Google. 

*Career without numbers* *high paying entry level jobs* * how to make money with zero math* 

It just keeps getting better and better. We are no more at the mercy of an employer, there is awareness and youngsters feel more empowered to take well thought out decisions regarding their career. 

Type your query and you never know, may be Google might dig out something which custom fits your work requirements.


Lola Jutta
An unapologetic writer, budding travel enthusiast and a default optimist! Life is what you make out of it.

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