Meet the SHEROES - Sonal Goyal

Last updated 31 Oct 2017 . 3 min read

What got you started?

I started up because I like to create and learn new things and be at the forefront of technology. Being in a start-up helps me achieve this.

Tell us about Nube technologies 

We love solving challenges, asking questions and finding solutions. Through Nube, we help enterprises discover, enhance and consolidate data. Nube is a means for enterprises to achieve their business goals through bigger and better data analysis. 

How has big data changed database management system for businesses? Share more about the technology you use. 

Big Data is a term for huge amounts of data in all kinds or lack of structure generated at very high velocity. Lot of this data would be user generated like Twitter or Facebook, many times it is machine data like through server logs or sensors. Traditional systems are generally inadequate at handling this, and that is where the whole new wave of Hadoop and related technologies come in. At Nube, we work with Spark, Hadoop and Machine Learning. Together, we are able to handle large amounts of data, process it fast and make accurate predictions. 

What is Reifier?

Data unfortunately is never clean. There are always many steps of cleansing before any meaning can be derived from it. A big problem with data is near duplicates, and it messes up all the models and the algorithms downstream making the life of the business owner and the data scientist really hard. Near duplicates are a tough nut to crack, because they are not exact matches, but there are variations across multiple fields in the similar records. Reifier helps in fuzzy matching similar records in data, so that cross selling, up selling, fraud detection, risk management and accurate data analysis can be achieved. Reifier is intelligent, it doesnt have any baked rules but uses smart machine learning algorithms which learn from existing data. So it can adapt to virtually any domain and any kind of data - restaurants, people, movies, products..Coupled this with Spark and Hadoop, and it can deal with huge volumes of data. This makes it very powerful for data wrangling.

Tips for people interested in this technology. What can they do to pursue it as a career?

A lot of change is happening in the Big Data domain, so there is a lot that can be done. My tip would be to learn and contribute on the mailing lists, forums, or to some open source technology of interest. Start a blog, do some interesting analysis, be genuinely interested in the space and try out new things. 

SHEROES - lives and stories of women we are and we want to be. Connecting the dots. Moving the needle. Also world's largest community of women, based out of India. Meet us at @SHEROESIndia

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