Meet the SHEROES - Devita Saraf

Last updated 21 Sep 2015 . 4 min read

Vu Technologies was launched in 2006 by Devita Saraf. It is now considered a premium Television brand with the promise of delivering high quality TV’s to the Asian region.

How did Devita Saraf decide to start Vu Technologies, let’s get to know her story today.


Tell us a little about yourself

I was born and raised in Bombay. I went to the US to pursue my education at a later stage, I have a Bachelor of Business Management, from the University of Southern California; MBA from the University of California.

I started working at the age of 16 after joining my family business. By the time I was 24, I had an idea in place and decided to start out on my own by setting up VU Technologies.

How and when did the idea and inception of VU Technologies come about?

Vu Technologies is worth a 100 crore today. I set it up when I was just 24. I wanted to create a premium brand for high-end display products and services. My father is the owner and CEO of Zenith Computers. I worked with him for a while before branching out on my own. Relevant training and experience a long with an idea shaped Vu Technologies.

Would you, in the future, expand your product or service offerings?

The way we watch Television or for that matter the way people choose to buy TV’s has changed significantly. People want better quality products that are slim and sleek. Technology changes every day. I believe that a TV helps in “family bonding”, watching a good movie together as a family is relaxing and calming. As of now, the focus is to create what the audience wants. However, I do have another dream…

Going forward, do you have other business ideas / plans in mind?

In terms of personal plans, I hope to be the Prime Minister of India someday! Once I’m 40 or 45 I hope to be part of integral policy making for the country.

You started VU Technologies when you were very young. What was your experience and what were the challenges faced?

I believe I have a very “don’t take me for granted” attitude. Even though I was young, I didn’t allow people to take me lightly. One of the major challenges I faced earlier was retaining new employees. Most of the well-educated and trained IIT or IIM graduates would join in for the “experience”. In the bargain, I lost out on a lot of time and energy that I had devoted into shaping them.

In the area of Technology, women today are very active professionally. What are your thoughts on women at the workplace specific to this sector?

I think technology is a great space for women because people are generally educated and well-mannered and women have genuine growth opportunities on merit rather than personality.

What or from where do you get your daily dose of inspiration?

I constantly look for new ways to get inspiration and to keep my creativity flowing. One Sunday you may find me walking along a market area clicking pictures of pets in pet shops. I try to balance my life a lot. I hit the gym regularly and I go for a weekly Odissi dance training session. I’ve been dancing for over a decade now.

Staying active and staying busy, that’s what inspires me. I can’t sit around and do nothing.

Would you like to leave our readers with any passing thoughts?

No matter what situation you are in, always be nice. Focus on being happy from within. And remember, you have to create your own successes. No one will come handhold you when you are down at your worst. Furthermore, the people who pretend to be on your side when you reach a new high are not always to be trusted!

Stay ambitious and have fun with what you do!

Paroma Sen
Paroma Sen is a professional content and creative writer.

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