Meet 22-Yr Old Payal Jhamta - Coder by Day, Crochet queen by night!

Last updated 27 Dec 2019 . 1 min read

Meet 22-Yr Old Payal Jhamta - Coder by Day, Crochet queen by night! Meet 22-Yr Old Payal Jhamta - Coder by Day, Crochet queen by night!

"Wohaaaa! But I see you creating stunning designs Payal, so what's that!?" I ask her, a but-obvious question.

She laughs," What you see is passion and my-part-time profession, which I wish to make a full-time one, God willing. Mahima, I know you will ask why does a daughter of an apple orchard owner needs an extra job. Yes, I do belong to a middle-class well-to-do family, but I never wanted to be dependent on them. I always wanted to create my own identity in society. I think it's important for all of us to explore all our options. If you have a passion, make sure to follow it. And that's how 'crochet handloom' happened. SHEROES gives us a very good platform to share our handcrafted products. And we have been reached out by some very good customers through SHEROES." 

Anu Singh Choudhary
Anu Singh Choudhary is a Communications Consultant, Documentary Filmmaker, Writer, Editor, Translator and Blogger all rolled into one. A compulsive multitasker, Anu is the author of two books Neela Scarf and Mamma ki Dairy

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