Why Women should manage their own investments

Last updated 30 Dec 2016 . 1 min read

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Financial awareness is a topic that has been gaining relevance over the past few years, given the growing importance of building and maintaining a reasonable net-worth to get through the later stages of life. 

For women it is quite typical that financial decisions are left to the men in the family (fathers, husbands, brothers), even for their own money. With Women’s salaries rising, women marrying late and more women choosing to remain single, it is extremely critical that in today’s time you empower yourself to manage your own monies, or understand how monies are managed and  ask the right questions. To know how to do this, we have Mrin Agarwal of Fintelligence training and consulting who contribute a monthly article on personal finance at SHEROES under the Womantra series.

Mrin Agarwal & Rima H

Founders and Trainers Womantra


Womantra Facebook Page 

Womantra is an educative session aimed at empowering women in matters of finance. The workshop will inspire women, professional or otherwise, to have greater self-confidence in handling their own finances and in doing so, taking charge of their destiny. The initiative is run by Mrin Agarwal & Rima Hinduja, who between them have over 30 years of work experience in investment advisory space and have worked for various banks- Citibank, Deutsche Bank, Standard Chartered Bank etc. Mrin & Rima have extensive and multi -faceted experience in investment advisory and banking and have experienced various phases in debt and stock markets. They have appeared on CNBC and have contributed to various articles in print media.

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