Major firms scouting for digital experts - Learning catalyst report

Last updated 30 Jun 2014 . 1 min read

Digital media has been making waves for quiet sometime. All major companies are trying to make an impact on social media. All of them are hunting for talent who can them scale up their business online and grow.

Folks at learning catalyst have put together a repository of more 80 jobs on offer by 47 new media companies such as Facebook, Amazon, Sapient, Webchutney and more in their report. Here are a few companies offering jobs to digital media professionals- 

1) Webchutney

2) Amazon

3) Facbeook

 4) Accenture

5) Hungama digital

6) Google

7) Ebay

8) One97

9) Make My Trip

10) Pinstorm

For more on the profiles and job descriptions, download the Learning Catalyst report here

12_2_13 Social Media
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