Warm Greetings, SHEROES
Tomorrow at 11:00 AM watch Zindagi, Live! with SHEROES as we get into a conversation with Richa Anirudh. She talks about her latest book The Indian Woman, her career, life and being a media professional. More details here.
It is a pleasure for the SHEROES team to welcome three new mentors this week. We now have Prajakt Raut, Bhakti Bapat Mathew and Payal Gandhi Hoon as mentors. If you any career related queries, ask them.
On Meet the SHEROES we got in conversation with-
1) Mridu Sahai, COO-Design village
2) Veena Ajmera, Business Owner
From the community
1) Love writing blogs? Bhakti tells how you can blog your way through career.
2) With the World Cup going on, we thought of digging some facts about women in football. We bet you aren’t aware of these facts.
3) Are you a new leader? Wondering how to manage teams? Here is an article from Chelsea Baldwin.
That's all from this week, see you next week. Until then, Keep Shining!