Keep it simple

Published on 22 Sep 2017 . 1 min read
  • Spend plenty of time on foreplay: Some people are so eager to get to “the main event” that they forget that the “foreplay” is more than half the fun. Plus, it will help you both relax and feel more excited about sharing this experience. Use your fingers to help guide your penis into her vagina. This practical tip is for you straight dudes out there. The vagina is a little harder to locate than you might think, especially if you’re eager and nervous. If you let your fingers do the finding, you’ll avoid awkwardly jabbing at her with your penis. Use lube. Lube can help decrease the pain and make things feel so much better for both of you, especially that first time.

  • Keep it simple: Remember, your expectations are supposed to be low, so there’s no need to try to impress your partner with a ton of crazy gymnastics. Stick with simple positions that will feel comfortable and allow for some emotional connection (if you want that).


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