Intimidated by Feminism, Wall Street Bro Humps ‘Fearless Girl’ 

Published on 14 Mar 2017 . 3 min read

Boys will be boys… just shoving their phallic power to undermine the equality that women have been fighting for years and years.

A tasteless act was documented in the Wall Street that shocked onlookers. A sharply suited Wall Street alpha male was photographed humping the state of ‘Fearless Girl’ (a symbol of equality) much to the glee of his chest thumping Wall Street bros.

Alexa Kaloyanides, who caught this uncouth act, posted it on Facebook and wrote:

Also Read: Why Is This Little Girl Staring Down The Iconic Wall Street Bull?

“He was gone within 20 seconds, but it just ruined the mood of the scene,” Kaloyanides, who is an architectural designer from Queens and was in Wall Street to have a look at the bronze statue, told Inside Edition. “There were people talking about empowering children and women and for them to have this 20-something showing his entitlement, defiling the statue... it was utterly revolting,”

Maybe it was only a statue and not a conscious girl, but the statue counters The Wall Street Charging Bull which symbolises power, authority and money – everything that the corporate apex of the world stands for.

Kristen Visbal, who sculpted the statue of the formidable “Fearless Girl” as part of the Women’s Day campaign, said it was meant to encourage companies to hire women and drive the message of equality in work places.

A message embossed on the ground before the state reads, “Know the power of women in leadership. She makes a difference.”

Kaloyanides, whose post was shared around 30, 000 times, said these couldn’t be brushed off as a joke and that’s exactly why feminism is essential. “This (act) is just further perpetuating a mentality of ‘boys will be boys,’ and that ‘it’s okay, it’s a joke, just brush it off,’” she told Inside Edition.

(With inputs from Inside Edition)

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