Internet is a great leveler; there are lots of things you can do to give your business an edge.

Last updated 2 Nov 2017 . 3 min read

Shaifali Ahuja is the business head of Panacea Web Technologies- a web design, development and digital marketing company that helps in getting businesses more revenue through online channels. Shefali is passionate about technology and discovered the power of internet and technology to grow businesses. She has almost 10 years of experience in IT sector and is mother to a 4-year old.


Online presence of business: In the present times being online for a business means being visible and competitive. Social media presence is no more an option, it is now a necessity. For the business owners it means having a long term perspective and continuously making an investment in digital marketing. Bringing a business online also means that you need to educate your potential clients on how the business works.

People are still ignorant on how a business works virtually. Sometimes our clients mix up sales and marketing and say things like – if you make my website, then how many customers will you guarantee. We have to tell them that the aim of the website is to generate interest, provide the right information and then start a dialogue with potential customers.

Getting Started: To get started, first you need to have an online identity. You could start with a website or even a facebook page for your business. Then you start spreading the word about your business online.

From a 9-5 job to entrepreneurship: I have always enjoyed the entrepreneurial role. It gives more flexibility and allows me to have a greater impact. The rewards come in slowly and steadily. It is constant work though – finding new clients, helping existing ones continuously.

Technology then and now: Technology is continuously evolving – mobile is definitely taking bigger and bigger mindshare, cost of storage and processing is going down but the basics of marketing have not changed. A few questions that a business owner should be asking are- what is my business, how is it unique, who is my potential customer and accordingly create the right combination of channels and technology to reach that customer. Also, today marketing is not about pushing your products/services, it is about engaging with your customers.

Effective social platforms: For best fit outreach it depends on various parameters such as what is your line of business and what is your target audience. For example a  fashion business benefits greatly from Pinterest, Twitter is a good way to reach youngsters, Facebook is good for a certain demographic and Linkedin if best for professional outreach.

Future of web marketing: Web marketing is very much going to be about engaging with users, providing meaningful and relevant content. It is also going to be about integrating web and mobile and proving a seamless experience to the user

Harness the power of technology: All business owners, marketing heads, mompreneurs and anyone looking to run or grow a business is should make use of technology and internet. Be present on digital media regardless of how big or small you are or what your budget is. Internet is a great leveller and there are lots of things you can do to give your business an edge.

Reach out to Shaifali at if you want to grow your business online or need any help regarding online marketing. To know more about Panacea go to the site.

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