How Do Indian Millennial Women Handle Their Pregnancy?

Published on 23 Dec 2016 . 7 min read



Kareena Kapoor Khan, as an popular influencer and celebrity has given #pregnancy goals to many women in India now. The way she handled her pregnancy is such a huge relief. No drama, taboo, tantrum and big brouhaha about it.

She made us fall in love with her when she said "I'm pregnant, not a corpse. Stop making it a national casualty." Then she quietened all the nags, preachers and advisors by shutting them up by saying "Don't look at pregnancy as some sort of disease. It's the most beautiful phenomenon that can happen to a woman." When people declared that now her career was over, she rightfully retorted back telling, "There's nothing wrong with being pregnant. In fact, it's a joy. Whichever film I do, I won't hide my baby bump onscreen. I'm proud of this phase in my life"

What is that these millennial women are doing new when pregnant?

These independent, well-informed, conscious, civic oriented and tech savvy woman handle their pregnancy differently than the other generations before her.

Thank heavens! She is not hiding her baby bump behind a stole or a dupatta.

Earlier pregnant women hid behind that curtain called dupatta, because there was a superstition that something will happen to the baby if someone sees their bump. Millennials don’t have time or give into unnecessary superstitions, taboos and superfluous practices.

She kills it by the way she looks. Rather she enjoys and flaunts her pregnant look. It doesn’t stop her from looking her best, being a fashionista and being smouldering hot.   

They do not let their pregnancy come in the way of work.

Earlier there were fields where it was not accepted, allowed or imagined to have pregnant women at work. Now their careers and professional life are critical to their identity and sanity. They manage both work and home with more élan, mindfulness and objectivity. Guilt, shame and lack of ambition; things which plagued their mother and grandmothers don’t bother her.

Her life and career don’t take a back seat with her pregnancy. Giving up on their life goals is not their thing. There is better control and power over their own lives; hence they get the best of both worlds. They don’t get side tracked when they get preggers.

Aditi Prasad Kripesh with her family

Aditi Prasad Kripesh, 32, Graphic Designer, shares, “After leaving my teaching job, I had just gotten enrolled into my research program to pursue my PhD from Ranchi University. Research required extensive field work, visits and tours. And then, I discovered that we were pregnant!

That is when my journey started. I was this research scholar who was all determined to finish my research program and a pregnant lady, who was having all sort of hormonal changes happening within. I travelled to Jharkhand to collect data; waiting for hours in front of offices as my researches was based on the tribal sector and with that I had to remember to take medicines and food on time. It was my family, guide and life partner whose support kept me going. 31st December 2012, when the world was busy ushering in the New Year, I held my baby for the first time. For a couple of months I had to totally forget about my research. But settling into a new routine, I started working on my research again. In year 2014 December I got to know that I was to become a mother again. This time it was more of nervousness than excitement. But this didn’t deter me from my work. Eventually in the year 2015 August my family was complete. The same year in September I also got through with my PhD and got a doctor added to my name.

Technology plays a great role in her life.

She uses it get her research right, double check her facts, vets her information and does things on the go. False information, old wives tales and neighborhood aunties don’t irk her. This also helps her to get more well informed and latest research based support during her time.

Jhumki Dutta Kashyap with her family

They are very serious about their fitness and health.

Gone are those days when a pregnant woman would pile on copious amount of weight and then not get healthy even after the baby is born.   Jhumki Dutta Kashyap, 33, Development Consultant shares, “With a little push and help from my husband, I had a healthy pregnancy without adding a lot of post pregnancy baggage.

We defied the age old tradition of consuming trans fatty food and ghee. I did not eat for two but had a regulated high fibre, moderate protein and low fat diet. The fibre helped in replenishing the foetus without making me bulky and tired. The protein helped in maintaining my strength for a healthy normal delivery. Healthy fats like peanut butter, Olive oil etc provided energy for daily chores minus the carbohydrate build up. This diet helped me in sustaining labour pain for 7 hours without passing out and delivering a healthy 2.9 kg baby girl much to the happiness of my family. My doctor who helped me maintain my diet and regime. I continued this diet even after pregnancy which helped in satiating sugar cravings and promoted speedy recovery with good quality breast milk which helped the baby gain weight for 3 months.”

Garima Kripesh Chaturvedi with her family

They are actually cool about their pregnancy. They are not freaking out, seeking attention, overtly dramatic and over playing horror stories in their head.

Garima Kripesh Chaturvedi, 33, Deputy General Manager, reflects and shares, “I thoroughly enjoyed my pregnancy. The first trimester was rather difficult with nausea staying with me throughout the day, but inspite of that, I made sure that I go for my daily walks and listen to my favourite music. It surely helped me unwind and stay fit.

At the same time, made conscious effort to have nutritious food to be able to cope up with the daily chores and managing full time work. Needless to say, the healthy eating habits made me glow during this time. I stayed extremely active during this phase - shopping, watching movies, having a glass of wine once in a while and eating out (whenever my nausea allowed me).I made the most of it and enjoyed my time. I would not mind going through this again.”


Shivani Mahindru with her family

Shivani Mahindru, 32yrs. HR Consultant, says “During my pregnancy I was working with Whirlpool of India as a Deputy Manager, Corporate HR. I worked all along during those 9months. I focussed on walks which led to very nominal weight gain of 11 Kilos and I was back in shape in few months.”


Piyali Dasgupta
A writer and an educator with expertise in experiential learning,capacity building, counselling & content development. A feminist, wit addict and time/life traveler. She loves trees, water bodies, vintage,cooking and arts

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