Homemaker, Content Writer, Digital Marketer, Business Manager: Timsi Marwah Does It All!

Published on 2 Mar 2017 . 3 min read

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Timsi Marwah graduated in commerce and started her career with small jobs in local schools. While pursuing post graduation, she took up a job at Citibank where she managed account entries and other routine work. Eventually, her marriage plans speeded up and she had to quit her job to be a full-time homemaker. However, she didn’t let her desire for work diminish. Now she is a full-time content writer, digital marketer and business operations manager, not to say a homemaker.

Here is her story in her own words:

“Getting back to work was never difficult; it just required some minor changes. I always kept taking up small ventures to keep myself working. I learnt chocolate-making and started with a small venture from home. It went pretty well but since my younger daughter was just 2 years old, I could not dedicate the time to the work that it demanded. To bridge the gap between the years of my education, I did a professional course in creative writing. Soon after, I started working as a freelance content writer for various clients and enjoyed being a working woman. Alongside, I was also writing copy for my husband’s business.”

I built many clients, one of whom was really keen on me writing content for his company’s social media marketing. It was then that I planned to take a formal training in digital marketing. That course gave me a lot of ideas about the industry and I started pitching in for social media marketing along with content writing services. While I was trying to figure out the right career path, my husband encountered trouble with his business staff management and the overall business system and procedures. Hence, I chose to step into our business. Now, the first half of my day goes towards managing tasks there. I take up content writing and other tasks in the early mornings or late evenings. Post-lunch period and evenings are for the kids.”

On being asked to share her source of inspiration, she said, “My kids! I wanted to let them know that marriage doesn’t mean an end to learning.” She believes that your children take you as their first role model and all the mothers who wish to get back to work must give themselves a chance. Things will automatically fall in place.

Timsi is a shining example of how we can control and change our life the way we want to!

Written by Sonalika Arora


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