Have you taken the 21 day yoga challenge?

Last updated 14 Mar 2016 . 4 min read

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We are the 21st Century women. We are young, forward-thinkers and multi-taskers. While, we are doing a lot, we are also in a state of transition -- caught as we are between the illusory safety of performing traditional roles on one hand and the challenge to realize our potential outside the confines of home, on the other hand.

It’s a mad world out there and keeping pace with this madness can be demanding. Issues including Family & Social Support, Maternity, Parenthood, Menopause, PCOS, Depression, Excessive Fatigue, Common Deficiencies and Health Management often blight our lives in the long run.

If I were to sum up this madness in a word, I would call it 'Stress'. Stress is a trigger for 70 percent of diseases in us. Globally, 23 percent of women professionals and executives say they feel “Super-Stressed”.

So how do we keep this stress away - Is what I often get asked by working women during my corporate happiness programs. Well, to say the least, we are bound to feel stressed under different situations. We cannot completely shy away from stress but yes, we can definitely learn the art of how to manage it. Once, we start managing stress, it automatically reduces in our lives.

Time is a luxury in our busy schedules and finding a daily time-out of 60 - 75 minutes is not only challenging, rather irrational. So, how and what to do to keep up with good health - inside and out?

Just 20-30 minutes of early morning Yoga three or four times a week can be that practical, easy and effective solution to bring our holistic wellness meter into equilibrium. Not only that time of the day is tranquil and most conducive for a light fitness regime but it also prepares us to handle the day's challenges with a composed mind. Early morning yoga in a park or a well ventilated spot in the house are ideal locations for the practice.

Although waking up to a yoga practice has many benefits, below are 6 compelling  reasons that may make you roll down the yoga mat first thing in the morning:

  1. Some yogic practices work the best on an empty stomach, in the morning
  2. Yoga should not be practiced in a hurry or when you are exhausted so ideally, it should be done as soon as you wake up
  3. Yoga in the morning can improve the sleeping pattern as it gradually conditions the body and mind to early wake up and sleep and move towards a healthy routine.
  4. Early morning yoga practice can improve digestion and move more nutrients in the body. Certain yogic practices can speed up the metabolism rate which means you eat more and burn calories quickly.
  5. The breathing patterns are set for the day - practising asana to rhythmic breath movement or doing Pranayama can actually tune the breathing throughout the day whether you are at work or at home or multi-tasking. The slower we breathe, the longer we live - disease-free.
  6. It encourages toning of the mind - a light yogic regime can set a calmer, steadier and a positive mind tone.  Starting the day by calming the body and mind helps in maintaining a calmer mind off the yoga mat throughout the day.

Taking the 21 Day Yoga Challenge: There is a common belief that if we practice something for 21 days, it becomes a habit. Take a 21 day challenge of practicing 30 minutes of yoga everyday and see how it transforms your body, mind and soul for a healthier and happier  YOU - Inside and Out!


By Varuna Khullar

The author describes herself as a dreamer, learner, life-enthusiast and a believer in self.  What began as an escapade from a stressed nine-to-five corporate life, eventually became a prime interest and then, an inspiration and finally, a passion in Varuna’s life. After spending a decade in the corporate jungles of India & the Middle East, Varuna is now conducting Holistic Wellness Programs for Schools and Corporates in India under her brand, Yoga with V (www.yogawithv.com). She is a 200   hours Hatha Yoga Teacher, a Certified Laughter Yoga Trainer and has a Masters in Marketing. 

SHEROES - lives and stories of women we are and we want to be. Connecting the dots. Moving the needle. Also world's largest community of women, based out of India. Meet us at www.sheroes.in @SHEROESIndia facebook.com/SHEROESIndia

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