Girl Icon Nisha Says Proudly, “My Right Hand Not Working Did Not Stop Me”

Last updated 14 Mar 2017 . 3 min read

Just how well poverty rhymes with jeopardy, the former is nothing less than the latter. We all see poverty as one of the stigma that is howling over the positive growth of the country. Today, I would be popping up a story of a young bright fighter Nisha, who has fought poverty from the very roots. She is still on her journey to eradicate the parasite of monetary absence but her start on every turn has been an extraordinary story in itself.

The 17-year old Nisha Gupta keenly aspires to get into the banking sector. Belonging to Ramnagar, Uttar Pradesh, a small town with poverty clinging to every corner, she has been determined for the same even after grave repercussions. She had learnt “what lack of money means” in her very young days when the first experience was her being dropped out due to her father’s heavy debt.  Nisha had hard times observing a struggling life to live through the dark pit that her father knowingly or unknowingly had dragged the family too.

Leaving the lack of facilitated upbringing besides, Nisha had her own societal struggles due to being differently abled. She has been often judged on her other abilities because of the same. Nisha received the bad condition of her right hand from birth. “It was some accident and no matter how much I would want to forget it, people never let me.”  

Since she was never motivated to do anything beyond home chores because of her condition, she had let those tough conditions push her to become a rock for her community. “I have been strong for myself and others. That makes me happy” said this amazing strong personality.  

With no food and support, life had been on an extremely sluggish track and education could be the only way out.  Nisha started her journey at the age of 12 when a sympathetic relative absorbed her reasons from dropping out of school. She joined and utilized that one opportunity with flying colors. Devoid of any schooling environment for a long time, It is commendable that Nisha performed exceedingly well in her academics.

Currently, Nisha is 17, looking for strong education to help her pursue banking so as to pull her family out and help them live life lightly. Nisha has not been lucky to even have the slightest back from her family but that did not stop her anyhow. She facilitated her needs through her creativity of designing sarees which aids her education as well. She has also fought the mockery to her hand with pride by learning computer and technology.


Stepping up one by one she wants to give in her hand to her community development. She feels the sanitary conditions of her community need to be worked on because they are much health affecting. She takes a little portion of her income every time to fund the assistance for the betterment of the same.

I have come across brilliant cases that have shown me real human energies bringing out bright days in the darkest nights. Nisha inspires me to believe that nothing is impossible when you are focused and have a big heart. I am happy to have known her and happier to reach out to you about her.

Aren’t you enlightened as well?


Prerna Puri
She is an enthusiastic writer with an engineering background and readily believes every story is extra ordinary"

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