Getting back in the Game

Last updated 2 Nov 2017 . 2 min read

After embracing motherhood and taking a career break you are finally all set to be back to work. You have braced yourself mentally and emotionally leaving no stone in preparing to bounce back. The resume is in place, the kids have started school and there is not a thing that can go wrong.

But when you go for the job interview, you are bewildered when you find out the interviewer seems to think motherhood is a handicap. Unfortunately, this happens more than it should, a lot of employers harbour stereotypes about working moms and moms going back to work. Here are a few tips if you ever get in a situation like this:

Play the professional: You don’t have to bring in your motherhood in the conversation unless it is relevant. Focus on the job, your aspiration and goals. Be confident about yourself and what you say. Even if apprehensive, do not let it show. Keep a strong head on your shoulders; if you are sure of yourself nothing can go wrong.

Focus on yourself: Stress on your core skills and strengths when in a business conversation. Display how you are the most suitable candidate for the job at hand. Keep your skills upto date; do not lose touch with the current requirements of the industry.  Don’t be the mom who hasn’t heard of flash-drives.

Invest in support: Be open to getting help, you will need it. Mentorship and support can help play a great role in making transition and change attitudes in favour. Fleximoms has back to work programs, reach out to us for sessions with mentors or coaches.

Be guilt free: Don’t be apologetic about your motherhood, shun the guilt of being back to work and leaving family back for a while. Seek help but don’t lose your identity in the process. Motherhood can no way be a hindrance for anything. You eventually learn to play your roles well.

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