Fleximoms Chronicles: Exploring the creative ideas

Last updated 1 Nov 2017 . 4 min read

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Anindita Roy, left a cosy and comfortable public sector job to start up Studio Sreejan Shilpa, an initiative to assist the young undecided minds in deciding and preparing for a career in Architecture and Design. It is humble effort with a vision to empower students to realise their aspirations through quality mentorship. We catch up with Anindita to know more about how she got started and what keeps her motivated:

What I do – my education and work: After working for more than sixteen years in a public sector company, I felt that I needed to withdraw from the hectic lifestyle and do something which is more fulfilling and interesting. Also working in a public sector, I felt many limitations, as I could not fulfil my creative urges. So one fine day, without giving it a second thought, I quit my job and joined a short course in Interior Design. After finishing the course in Interior design, I specialized in Computer Aided Designing, since I loved working on computers a lot. Thereafter, I joined as a part time Faculty for Computer Aided Design and Interior Design.

My family and support system: My mom-in-law, husband and both my kids are very supportive and with their love and support I fulfil the role of a “Fleximom”.

My inspiration to do what I do: Although, I did my M.Sc in Life Sciences and later joined an administrative job in a public sector, I always felt the need of joining the creative field. Even as a child I was good with the creative arts like drawing, painting, embroidery, knitting etc. So, now I feel at peace with myself, doing what I like to do and still having ample time to do something else I always wanted to do, and that is writing. I now, also work as a freelance Editor for a local Community Magazine and write and edit articles for them, apart from my creative teaching work.

What makes work:The faculty job gave me ample time and opportunity to satisfy my creative urges. After working as a visiting Faculty in various colleges, teaching Interior Design and Computer Aided Design, I felt the urge to do something on my own. So, I opened up my own Institute for training young minds who want to take up a Creative Career path in the Architecture, Design and Art field. In our Studio, we take Entrance Preparation classes for various college courses in Architecture, Design and Art . Portfolio preparation for Architectural and Design studies abroad is another forte of our Design Studio. Personalized Computer Aided Design classes are also provided to students studying Architecture, Design and Applied Arts in various colleges.

 The work-life balance: Right now, my timings are quite flexible and I can juggle the role of a designer, teacher, writer, wife and mom in a more or less hassle free manner. Although, there are days, which are very hectic with all the roles demanding attention together, I still manage to balance such days and sail through. 

My stress-buster:  Reading books and surfing the net for various information are a stress buster for me apart from listening to music. I also practice healing modalities like Reiki and Pranic Healing and have an avid interest in Regression therapies, Neuro-Lingustic Programming, Whole Brain Thinking and new age spirituality. As a student of life -sciences, I had also grown an interest in Nutrition therapy, for which I undertook a one year course in Diet and Nutrition from Apollo Medvarsity, and can now effectively manage the diet and nutrition requirements of my family (and close friends).

Last word for Fleximoms: It is hard for working mothers to be a mom and be a breadwinner at the same time. Do explore some creative ideas for yourself and join back the community of working mothers. Believe me; your child will never suffer because you are a working mother. And if you picked some new set of skills and interests while staying at home, do not hesitate.

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