First Job? Check Out These Ways To Manage Your Money Better

Published on 3 Mar 2017 . 2 min read

Money management is an art. An art which you can acquire by training yourself. Good habits don’t develop overnight, you have to keep at it. Similarly managing your finances like a pro is supposed to be cultivated over a period of time.

When I started out it was confusing to stick to a budget plan. Because there was no budget plan to begin with. And now that we have so many investment and saving options flooding the market, it leaves your mind in a whirlwind.

Don’t stick to a watertight budget neither indulge in cathartic shopping. Find the middle path and you are most likely to succeed. I have experienced this funny habit about me. I tend to go on a shopping spree when I am refrain myself from buying something my heart is fixed on. To counteract that I end up splurging more. So I have made it a point to buy anything my heart yearns for. That pair of pumps, or the gorgeous little black dress, or a beautiful portrait to be hung at the dining hall; just about anything. I keep a tab on my expenses by buying any one luxurious item once in every 3 or 4 months. Well that’s me.


How about you, how do you manage your expenses? What is that one emotional tact you apply to pull over the reins on your expenses.

Saving here and there, tids and bits, helps a lot. Try these hacks to manage your finances. A beginner’s guide to money management. This might give you the much needed leverage to streamline your finances.  


Lola Jutta
An unapologetic writer, budding travel enthusiast and a default optimist! Life is what you make out of it.

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