Finding the Balance Between Art & Work

Last updated 23 Oct 2015 . 2 min read

For a lot of writers, a life of writing can seem like an endless game between writing what you want, for the love of writing, and writing to keep the home fires burning. What’s a newbie writer to do? Chuck all worldly responsibilities and devote all her time and attention to her art? Or, get sucked into everyday chores and duties, at the cost of her love for writing? Below are a few ways writers can make it work for them, both work-wise and art-wise.

1) Set a goal for both your personal writing and professional writing schemes. You may not always achieve the goal, but having a clearly-defined one instantly increasing the chances of achieving it.

2) Decide your personal writing and professional writing schedules. Are you at your most creative early morning? Or late into the night? Then, you may want to set aside that time for writing that book, play or story. The less creative work can be done during the day (with a set schedule in place).

3) Read books that inspire you. Follow the stories of those who’ve done it before. Reading good books will make sure you always remember your creative goals. Following or reading stories of authors and writers who have managed to balance their creative writing with their professional and personal responsibilities can inspire you to stretch yourself and do the same.

4) If you haven’t been able to stay connected with your goals or keep up with them, don’t go on a guilt trip and fall completely off-track. The reality of life is that some things will get delayed. Keep thinking about your goal and come back to it when things are slower and freer at your end.

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Bhakti Bapat Matthew
Bhakti Bapat Mathew is a freelance writer based in Bangalore. She blogs at BhaktiWeb.

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