College Girl Killing It With Sabzi Venture

Last updated 28 Dec 2016 . 6 min read

Youngsters cringing their noses at the site of green or leafy veggies and fruits, is a common phenomena. But, a group of youngsters promoting  usage of fresh fruits and vegetables, is a welcome sight.

One such young female entrepreneur, Varuna Bhambhani, co-founder of SaralHai surprised her family and friends by becoming a ‘Subziwali,’ a term used by her friends to tease her.

SaralHai is your online, hassle-free solution to buy the freshest of fruits and vegetables at pocket-friendly prices.


Varuna co-founded this startup when she was in the first year of her college (2014-2015). She said the venture began over a cup of coffee and chit-chat :)


Running SaralHai is fun for Varuna, as this brings her unparalleled  joy. Varuna envisions to be featured in in the Forbes List of 100 Most Powerful Women, 10 years from now. 

Over to the fiery young entrepreneur:-


“SaralHai as a product is a win-win situation for both customers and cafes.” 

“SaralHai cash cards worth Rs 1 lakh were run on trial, by tieing up with 50-60 cafes from Indore. The idea behind this product, is to provide cash cards to customers worth a sizeable discount margin. The cash cards were then used at select cafes. The card would further be redeemed by the cafes in exchange of fresh vegetables and fruits.”


“The experiment was a huge hit. SaralHai is planning to up their game and distribute cash cards worth Rs. 10 lakh, at the end of the next month in the year 2017. We’re expanding our tie-ups with cafes and trying to get in big names like Mc. Donalds and such.” Varuna said they are positive of its success.



“I have faced plenty of challenges. I have been debarred from entering the buildings around 300 times when I used to go to explain my product (B2C) saying that salespersons are not allowed.”

“As a girl, I have always faced male chauvinism in most of my clients, which again is tackled well if you know what and how to communicate in such cases.”

These factors have always put a huge mental pressure and became a hinderance to scale SaralHai.”


“SaralHai is not raising funds as of now. But they are planning to expand to cities other than Indore, its home branch. The expansion is most likely to take place in July, 2017.”

“Also in terms of growth, since touch and feel factor of the products is vital and since we lack there. Following up becomes essential to assess whether the strategies which have been put into place, has clicked with the consumers or not.”


“I see an opportunity in capturing the entire B2B market by working on this (kind of) Barter System i.e. Selling Fruits and Vegetable to the Cafe and Restaurants in exchange of SaralHai Cash Cards.”

“We create a desire/need/hunger for our product, for the customers. They are bound to buy SaralHai Cash Cards, we offer heavy discounts (without booking any losses).”


Let’s not call them hurdles, but punches that have motivated me all this time. Family was in a trauma. My father never supported me, and my mother used to be reluctant. Being a girl, it is very difficult to make people understand that it is okay and safe to work with like minded men. Society judges you to a next level degree.”

“The good part was, this never bothered me. In my entire team, I am the only female running SaralHai since last two years. I still have restrictions and curfew timings as I stay with my parents, but then the desire makes everything fall at the right place. Yes, I have lost some very close friends due to busy life which is the saddest part, but I guess that’s how life is supposed to be.”


More than women, I see men getting empowered which is a good sign. They are accepting the fact that yes, a lady can earn more than you do and there is nothing that should harm your ego. So I guess, the society is becoming acceptable gradually which it should


More women should consider the entrepreneurial route and leave the 9-to-5 grind behind and here’s a convincing argument to support my position:-

Owning a business is hard work and, at times, can be more stressful than collecting a paycheck. But if you want to develop both professionally and personally, entrepreneurship is a career path worth pursuing.

When you work for yourself, you have options – and that includes not missing out on life’s most precious moments.

In my observation, women-led companies notably place a larger emphasis on nurturing customers and relationships. This indirectly impacts customer satisfaction ratings and more.

Women who choose the entrepreneurial route create the independence to truly shape their future – and not leave it in the hands of someone else.

As part of their nature, women also employ a communicative and collaborative approach in running a business, which is crucial to long-term success.



My daily inspiration is my white board in the office which reminds me where I am born and what am I supposed to be.


I always wanted to become a doctor by profession, parents forced me to take Maths, couldn’t get into IITs as a student. But, here I am as an entrepreneur, one of the finalists, attending sessions at IIT Delhi, feeling equally happy. Nevertheless, hoping to deliver a session at IITs too, in the near future :)


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