Anyone up for a Glue Stick That Shuts Your Vagina During Periods?

Published on 23 Feb 2017 . 3 min read

Women often get lessons from men who don’t really understand periods or female privates. A chiropractor from the US has come up with what’s being labelled as the most bizarre ‘menstrual product’. Some are even arguing if this man knows the difference between urethra and vagina.

A viral post on Facebook about “Mensez” adhesive “lipstick” is overflowing with dubious questions and jokes and its inventor Daniel Dopps has also got immense flak on the internet.

The website explains the product as:

The patent for Mensez was granted on 10 January, but the product is yet to hit the stands as we still wonder how this thing can work.

Vagina is not a bladder that can hold body fluids. Some women are reportedly arguing that the creator of this menstrual product is a misogynist who has no knowledge of female anatomy.

And no surprise that there was a volley of tweets on this absolutely unrealistic product.

Guess Mr Dopps can seal his lips with this labia glue. Thank you very much.

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